Chase Winovich, Berkley Edwards, Michigan, goes well after the injury, says Jim Harbaugh


ANN ARBOR, Michigan – Michigan has received positive news about seniors, Chase Winovich and Berkley Edwards, who both left Saturday's game with injuries and went to the hospital for further assessment.

Coach Jim Harbaugh said he did not know if Winovich, a defensive lineman, would be healthy enough to play next week a deciding match in a rivalry with Ohio No. 10, but said that x-rays and the scanner were good news.

Winovich left the 31-20 win over Indiana in the third quarter after an apparent upper body injury and did not return. Harbaugh refused to give specific details about what the doctors were rating.

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"Things are progressing well with Chase," said the coach.

Edwards, a special team player and younger brother of Braylon Edwards, a former Wolverines player, suffered a concussion in the fourth quarter, according to Harbaugh. It took the medical staff nearly 15 minutes to place Edwards on a backboard and take him out of the field after a blind side kick in a punt return game.

The referees penalized Indiana linebacker Cam Jones for targeting the game and he was ejected. The athletic trainers removed Edwards' electrodes and immobilized his head before taking him off the field and driving him to the hospital.

"Everything seemed fine when he left the stadium," Harbaugh said. "He had a concussion, he had a very serious concussion, he looked good when he left, but he was taken to the hospital as a precaution, reacting, talking, and moving. All the good things there. "

Braylon Edwards published on Twitter how difficult it was to see his younger brother being chased out of the field.

Michigan number four will travel to Columbus, Ohio next week for a match that will decide which Big Ten East division team will play the conference championship in Indianapolis the following weekend. Michigan shots on one of the four college playoff spots are also likely to be in the balance.

Michigan players said that if Winovich, the leader of the attack for defeat and one of his most fervent veterans, was unable to return in time to play next week, he felt confident in the players who replace.

"I trust these guys," said junior Rashan Gary, who has missed several games due to an injury earlier this season. "With my departure early in the year, they were very likely to have representatives, and when they are in the field, I let them know that they have already proven themselves, so let's have fun and play games. "

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