Cheap blood pressure drug could slow down diabetes


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A cheap and safe antihypertensive drug slows the worsening of type 1 diabetes, researchers reported Monday.

It is the first drug that has been shown to affect the course of the disease, also known as juvenile diabetes, which is caused by the erroneous destruction of pancreatic cells that produce cancer. # 39; insulin.

Treatment consists of regular injections of insulin. People with type 1 diabetes should regularly check their blood glucose and give insulin throughout the day. Uncontrolled blood sugar can damage blood vessels and organs, and can kill people suddenly.

Verapamil, a blood pressure medication, appears to protect some of the damaged pancreatic cells, allowing them to continue to produce some insulin. This is not a cure, but adults with newly diagnosed diabetes who were taking the drug had better control over their blood sugar over time, reported the University's team. 39, Alabama to Birmingham.

"This will have to be proven in a larger population and also in other age groups.We would also like to extend it to children," said Dr. Anath Shalev , director of the Center for Diabetes in the University

Verapamil is a blood pressure lowering drug called calcium channel blocker Some doctors have reported that patients taking this medication to treat blood pressure arterial patients had a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Tests in mice showed that it could help preserve insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, and that it could reversing diabetes in some animals.

The Shalev team therefore tried the drug in a small group of newly diagnosed adults. Type 1 Diabetes

"Although it is often diagnosed che z Children and young adults, type 1 diabetes can occur at any age and contrary to what we thought, many patients retain a small number of functional beta cells "The most common type 2 diabetes is linked to genetic predisposition, but can also be associated with poor diet, lack of exercise and weight gain.

Type 1 diabetes more rapidly damages the pancreas and is not related to lifestyle factors. About 5 percent of the 29 million Americans with diabetes have type 1 diabetes.

"The course of the natural disease is a constant, especially in this first year, a fairly rapid decline in the function of beta cells ". "Being able to slow down this would be a major improvement.Even a small amount of beta cell mass has a major impact on the function."

The team conducted what is considered the type of β-cell. Strongest medical study: Patients were randomized to receive a treatment or a sugar pill. Neither the patients nor the doctors who cared for them knew who was getting what. Eleven volunteers received verapamil pills for one year and regardless of the insulin they needed, and 13 received insulin and sugar pills

Both Groups they worsened and required more insulin. But patients who received verapamil needed much less insulin. Verapamil required only 27% more insulin at the end of the year compared to the beginning of the year, while patients on placebo consumed 70% more

" In addition, verapamil was well tolerated, the team wrote.

Results suggest that verapamil helps to stop permanent pancreatic damage caused by type 1 diabetes, Shalev.

C & # 39; is probably because the drug directly affects the pancreatic cells, she added.Beta cells, which produce insulin in the pancreas, have the same structures, called calcium channel receptors, that the heart cells.

As type 1 diabetes is caused by immune system errors, some researchers are testing immunosuppressive drugs in an attempt to treat it – something that can increase the risk of infections and cancer. 19659004] Other groups are trying Pancreatic cell transplants that produce insulin, but only a small number of patients can get this treatment because of a shortage of donors. . The benefits may also not be permanent.

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