Cheap shooting attacks are only a gift for Ocasio-Cortez


Since incumbent MP Joe Crowley has been sacked from his seat in the Queen, new Congressman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has carved out a personality as a young democrat and trendy socialist, prone to the occasional gaffe . She has also become a prime target of fists of shame attempts to make fun of her personal life.

It is up to the curators to stop cheap throws because they give the correct impression, while allowing him to claim the top of the field and showcase his intelligence at the same time.

Ocasio-Cortez has been screened on the Internet since coming to the national scene. When she posed during a photo shoot for Interview magazine, critics criticized her for wearing an expensive suit and shoes.

When she complained to Capitol Hill that she continued to be directed to events for interns and spouses, she was accused of lying.

When she admitted at the beginning of this month, in an interview, that she could not afford an apartment in the United States before receiving her first salary as a congressman, the right, Twittersphere, broke out with mocking.

Some publications pointed to her savings – at least $ 15,001, by election disclosure – and suggested that she was lying. She ignored the fact that she left her barmaid job to run for office in February.

Ocasio-Cortez has figured out how to use such foolishness to his advantage, and if rummaging over your online reviews was a sport, at least one of the walls of the Ocasio-Cortez apartment would be covered by framed tweets by right-wing experts who attacked it and paid the price online embarrassment.

Washington Examiner journalist Eddie Scarry was trapped. Earlier this month, he tweeted a picture of the new representative in a suit and heels with the caption: "This jacket and coat do not look like a girl struggling."

The reaction on Twitter could just as easily have come with a reputation body bag. In a few hours, Ocasio-Cortez's Twitter supporters had called Scarry a pervert and worse. Ocasio-Cortez herself replied, saying"If I went back to Congress with a bag, they would laugh and take a picture of my back. If I go home with my best selling clothes, they get married and take a picture of my back. "

The attacks have always been beneficial. The dynamic is particularly foolish for the Conservatives trying to win the young, many of whom see themselves in it: a woman with a few thousand dollars in savings, who graduated with $ 20,000 in student debt. This will help her to consolidate her favorite image as a "millenium" fighter, while her opponents will look like elitists who sneer at a young Latina from the working class.

And if the Conservatives think that their social media intelligence will not make much sense if they are interested in higher positions, they have forgotten the lesson of 2016. After all, it was the candidate of the time, Donald Trump, who understood very early Twitter gave him a pipeline to his supporters that was not filtered by the gatekeepers. Ocasio-Cortez watched and learned.

The best solution is to stick to his ideas, many of which are, at least, misplaced.

Take, for example, the time when she said that unemployment was low in 2018 because "everyone has two jobs". Or when she answered a question about how the United States would cover the cost of Medicare for all by exclaiming, "you only pay it!"

She apparently forgot about the three branches of government at an online event in order to rally support for Democrats. "We have to work hard to make sure that we take back the three chambers of Congress, rather the three chambers of the government: the presidency, the Senate and the House in 2020." (Rick Perry could probably tell this story. particular memory slip.)

More importantly, she should be in a hurry to explain how she thinks America will escape the dysfunctions of the state-dominated economies – as in France, with a youth unemployment rate of 25% and slow growth.

If you want to dispute the problem with Ocasio-Cortez, these are the criticisms to make. But keep your thoughts on her wardrobe, bank account and professional history – or at least offline.

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