CHECK: Can being vaccinated quickly be effective?



Can being vaccinated quickly be effective?


Experts say yes, that is beneficial.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Devin Minor: Banner Health, American


As we say, get ready to welcome the fall, is it too early to start talking about the flu vaccine? With influenza cases already reported in North Dakota and in Washington state.

Our Verify team is all about making you know the things you see online – like the flu vaccine discussion, how would getting vaccinated too soon be so effective?

Our audit team therefore contacted disease control centers and medical experts for answers.

The CDC said it was not possible to predict the severity of the influenza season with the timing and duration of the season, but influenza activity in the US begins to increase in October and November, reaching its peak. maximum in May.

The CDC said it was essential to get a flu shot before the flu started to spread in your community, recommending getting vaccinated if it is available now between late of the month of October. We then discussed with a Banner Health doctor about the effectiveness of getting vaccinated before the start of the flu season.

"I recommend having it earlier because it takes a few weeks before the flu shot becomes really effective. You do not want to wait for the middle of the flu season because you do not know when will be the peak season. do not usually use it, "said Dr. Devin Minior.

Dr. Minior also said that the flu shot does not usually go away.

"The flu vaccine, as soon as the vaccine is available in your community, should be on the checklist of all parents, as well as other back-to-school programs," advised the experts. American Academy of Pediatrics.

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