Check the supply of influenza vaccine GP before the visit: AMA


Western Australians who plan to have an influenza vaccine still have time before the peak of the season, with additional jabs on their way to the state, after an unprecedented demand that has resulted shortages at the national level. people have seen their doctor's appointment canceled because of the shortage, but additional supplies will arrive in the next week

"First give a call to your GP – make sure that" there is supply there "

But the West's Minister of Health, Roger Cook, said that he did not believe that there was a great shortage in the network of general practitioners.

"People can get their vaccine from their general practitioner or their local pharmacist." Cook told reporters

"It's just about ringing the alarm, making sure that that stocks in that center or clinic be restored. "

Dr. Khorshid stated that there was a problem with some pharmacies. had

The flu season usually culminates in Perth in August and vaccination halves the probability of getting sick.

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