Chelsea Handler mixes candidacies of Indian candidates on Twitter


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By Associated press

BOISE, Idaho – Comedian Chelsea Handler has approved Paulette Jordan, a Democrat and Native American woman running for governorship of Idaho, in a post on Twitter, but has included a photo of the bad Indian.

The photo in Wednesday's tweet showed Handler raising his hand next to Deb Haaland, a Democrat who came to New Mexico to become the first American woman in Congress.

In less than an hour, Handler has removed the tweet to its 8.4 million followers. His publicist did not immediately call back an appeal to the Associated Press.

Jordan is a member of the Coeur d'Alene tribe, Idaho, and former state representative who wishes to become the first female governor and the first Amerindian governor of Idaho.

Haaland, who is a member of Laguna Pueblo, made Handler's mistake by saying that she could understand how the actor could have been lost.

"With so many Native American women running for election this year, it seems like people can not keep up!" Haaland told NBC News. "Thank you, Chelsea, for supporting aboriginal women, women of color and all women, and I'm sure many of us will win in November and it will only be the beginning."

Didi Martinez contributed.

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