Chelsea High School replaces Queen's title of homecoming due to bullying


CHELSEA, Michigan (WXYZ) – The Chelsea High School Student Council has announced that it will replace the Queen's Return to Home Award with an Award of Excellence based on academic, social and emotional attributes . In a Youtube video, the student council, staff and several students explained that because of the harassment, they decided to replace the prize.

"Many people were complaining about joke votes in the past and how the Queen's Return price indicates that as a school, we value beautiful or popular people when we want to value them." Other types of students, "said the student council president. Drew Vanderspool.

Director Michael Kapolka said for years that they had discussed the price change.

"People would talk about how it does not feel good," Kapolka said. "We want to try to find a way to be more inclusive for all our students. No matter boy or girl. We want to find a way to be more inclusive.

The students said the prize was between the candidates and the students were injured.

"Many people have been bullied, chosen as jokes," said Maddie Dunlap, student council member. "The people in their class would be teaming up, and they would say they would vote for that person, and at some point it would even be people with special needs."

The award for excellence will be based on integrity, studies and creativity, among others. Kapolka said it would help reduce bullying.

"What we hope is that it allows students to identify and honor their classmates who would not be honored by a returning home queen or a winter carnival king because they have voted with the content of their character, "said Kapolka.

The winner will be announced in the return match on September 21st.

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