Chemtrails, contrails or just extraterrestrials? UFO stuns audiences across China and Inner Mongolia (VIDEOS) – RT World News


A mysterious UFO was filmed Thursday night by stunned spectators, in what appears to be the result of aerial activities at altitude.

Residents of Beijing, Shanxi Province and Inner Mongolia released their "observations" on October 11 on the unusual flight pattern on Chinese social networks.

Photos and videos of the captivating spiral left by the unknown profession were widely shared on Weibo, a popular social media platform in China.

The Chinese media have been quick to dismiss these fascinating images as nothing more than traces left by high-altitude planes, as was the case in previous cases around the world.

READ MORE: "An extraterrestrial UFO from North Korea!" 5 rocket launches triggered frenzy for UFOs (VIDEOS)

Chemtrails, contrails, or testing spaceships, no one can say for sure – but the visuals are at least nice.

Some have speculated online that it may have been the Soyuz mission that caused the mission to fail with NASA and Roscosmos astronauts, but this occurred at 4:40 pm EST. China, Thursday.

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