Chicago native Alfonzo McKinnie takes a 'surreal' journey to the Warriors' rotation


Alfonzo McKinnie was 5 when the Bulls won the last of their six championships in 1998. But that was not enough to sear memories to a lifetime for the native of Chicago's West Side.

"I grew up watching the Bulls," McKinnie said. "Michael Jordan was pretty much everybody's favorite player. Being a kid in Chicago, you wanted to play basketball. You wanted to be like Mike. Just knowing what those guys are, and I'm just getting hurt. "

McKinnie, 26, is hurt to go on any court and play.

Lightly recruited out of Marshall High School and undrafted out of Green Bay, the 6-foot-8 forward improbably has found the home of the NBA's latest captivating dynasty. McKinnie has been working on the rotation of the Warriors, which the Bulls hosted on Monday night at the United Center.

Steve Kerr, who played for three of the Bulls' six title teams and has coached the Warriors to three championships in the last four seasons, said McKinnie's versatility and athletic ability.

"He's somebody we had our eye on from the first day of training camp because of his athleticism. But he's really gotten a lot better since camp, "Kerr said. "He's making some shots for us. He's getting a feel for our offense, playing well with other guys. It seems to fit the modern NBA game of positionless basketball. He can be on the floor and guard multiple spots and switch.

"The guys really like him too. He's been very close to this point. And I think our players have a lot of respect for his journey, but also the way he carries himself. He's a very professional, hard-working kid. "

McKinnie has played in Germany, Mexico and the G League, including the Windy City Bulls. He broke into the NBA last season with the Raptors, with whom he played 14 games.

As if his journey was not fascinating enough, he signed up to buy his mother home earlier in the day.

"It actually does feel surreal at times," McKinnie said. "There was a point in time I did not expect this to happen. … I talk to guys every day I just tell them my story. They've seen from where I started to now. I tell you gotta keep pushing. "

Tex tribute: Kerr showered heavy praises one form Bulls assistant coach Tex Winter, who died earlier this month at 96.

"It's hard to quantify Tex's impact on the game," Kerr said. "I never put a coach – and I played for a lot of Hall of Famers – so dedicated to the fundamentals of the game. And I know his influence on me is there every single day. When we go to practice, when we watch movie, I'm always thinking about Tex's voice in my head.

"He taught me more about the game than anybody – the details, the minutia, how to teach those details. I learned from Tex. And I know so many other people would tell you the same thing. He dedicated his life to the game and lived an amazing life. "

Memory lane: Twenty years have passed since Kerr won three straight titles with the Bulls.

"The cliche is time flies when you're having fun. And it's actually been true for me, "Kerr said. "I've lived a charmed life broadcasting, coaching and being involved in basketball. I still have amazing memories walking back to United Center. "

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