Chicago's "Joe Grocery" competing on "Dancing with the Stars"


The Chicago grocer, Joe Amabile, has found another way to extend his unexpected fame. The resident of West Town will participate in the next season of "Dancing with the Stars," it was announced Tuesday.

Amabile, 32, was sent home during the premiere of season 14 of "The Bachelorette" in May, after missing her introduction to show star Becca Kufrin. Although "Grocery Store Joe" was only a few minutes on television, his personality and his boyish smile appealed to many viewers, and he was invited to the show "The Men Tell All" and to the show "Bachelor in Paradise."

Californian filmmaker Kendall Long immediately complained about filming "Paradise" this summer in Mexico, but they suddenly broke up on Monday because they were not on the same wavelength as for their future.

A long time later, he went to Chicago to try to find Amabile in a scene that was shown during the reunion series of season 5 of Tuesday. This moving conversation was filmed in West Town in mid-July, according to information on online cinema licenses.

During the meeting, Amabile told Chris Harrison, host of "Bachelor in Paradise", that he was in love with Long and that they were dating. Harrison told Amabile that he had pulled some strings and had given him a place in "Dancing with the Stars" so that he was much closer to Long.

"I can not dance. Like, I do not know how, "said Amabile. "What did I sign up for?"

We do not know who the 2004 graduate of Holy Cross High School in River Grove is a partner. The rest of season 27 of "Dancing with the Stars" will be announced Wednesday morning on "Good Morning America". The new season is scheduled for the first at 19h. September 24th on ABC.

Fans wanted Amabile, whose parents live in Melrose Park, to be named next "Bachelor". This title was recently awarded to Colton Underwood, a Bachelorette comrade, who grew up in central Illinois. The new season of "The Bachelor" should begin in January.

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Chicago's "Joe Grocery" did not think it would make a good "bachelor" anyway "

5 things to know about Chicago's Joe Grocer's. before 'Bachelor in Paradise & # 39; first »

Move ahead to get the Chicago grocer named "The Bachelor". "

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