President Donald Trump denounces the federal courts of the Ninth Circuit, calling them "very unfair" after a federal judge in northern California has blocked Trump 's emergency restrictions on plaintiffs. asylum. (November 20th)

Chief Justice John Roberts, who is usually restricted, on Wednesday challenged President Donald Trump's description of a federal judge who ruled against his administration as "Obama judge."

"We do not have Obama judges, Trump judges, Bush or Clinton judges," Roberts said in a statement. "What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges who do their best to make an equal right to those who appear before them."

"This independent judiciary is something for which we should all be grateful."

Roberts issued the statement in response to a request from the Associated Press after Trump's comments about the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and US District Judge Jon Tigar in San Francisco on Monday. blocked Trump administration efforts to prevent migrants trying to enter the United States to seek asylum.

The president, who spends time in Florida for the Thanksgiving holiday, expressed his disagreement and posted a response on Twitter Wednesday afternoon, detailing his complaints in court.

"Sorry, Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do have" Obama judges, "who have a very different perspective from those accused of the security of our country," Trump said on Twitter.

He continued in another message, asking if the 9th circuit was an "independent judiciary", why so many border cases were classified in this circuit and why the "large number of these cases were canceled".

"Please, study the numbers, they are shocking," said the president. "We need protection and security – these decisions make our country dangerous!" Very dangerous and reckless! "

Tigar's decision stated that the new administration's policy of removing asylum from immigrants entering the country illegally appears to violate the US law that specifically allows them to do so.

"Regardless of the extent of the President's authority, he can only rewrite the immigration laws to impose a condition expressly prohibited by Congress," said Tigar, nominated by President Barack Obama in 2012.

"He was an Obama judge," Trump told a reporter on Tigar's decision on Tuesday.

The statement rejecting Trump's label was surprising and came from Roberts, a person named by President George W. Bush, who was reluctant to respond to Trump's warmongering comments about the justice system.

Roberts has already been the target of Trump's criticism; In 2016, the then-candidate had called the Chief Justice "a disaster" because of his decisions in favor of the Affordable Care Act.

His statement comes as many legal experts have stressed the need for judicial independence in the Trump era. Others have worried about confirmation by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's division of the court's reputation of being on top of the political arena.

More: With Brett Kavanaugh confirmed, Trump's poisoned touch infects the Supreme Court

"I think especially in this period when the rest of the political environment is so divided, each of us has the obligation to think about what gives the court its legitimacy," said the judge Elena Kagan last month.

Wednesday's statement was not the first time Roberts called a president. In 2013, Roberts asked why President Barack Obama had continued to enforce the marriage defense law when he supported same-sex marriage.

"I do not see why he does not have the courage of his convictions," Roberts said.

In addition to his attack on Tigar, Trump on Tuesday called the "9th US Circuit Appeals Court" "disgrace" and promised to "file a major complaint," although he did not provide any details.

More: Federal Court of Appeal rules against Trump administration efforts to end DACA program

"All the cases filed in the 9th circuit are defeated, then we have to go to the Supreme Court, like the ban on traveling, and we have won," Trump said, referring to the struggle his government to apply restrictions from a group of Muslim-majority countries.

The court of appeal has been a target of Trump since that decision and the president has suggested breaking the 9th circuit, which is the largest court of appeal in the United States.

Its jurisdiction includes nine states in the west, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands, about 20% of the country's population. And its 29 full-time judges hear more than 12,000 calls a year, almost twice as many as other calling courts.

"It shows everyone how our justice system is broken and unfair when the opposing party in a case (like DACA) is still running to the 9th circuit and almost always wins before being overthrown by higher courts" , tweeted Trump in January.

Trump has long criticized the judges, judges and courts who have ruled against him.

In 2016, he questioned the impartiality of a US-born federal judge who had sentenced him in a lawsuit against Trump University because of his "legacy". Mexican".

And after the first decision against his travel ban, Trump denounced the "ridiculous" opinion of "this so-called judge".

But even one of the members appointed by Trump to the country's highest court has questioned critics. While he was looking for a confirmation last year, Judge Neil Gorsuch told Senator Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., That he had found Trump's attacks on "demoralizing" judges and "discouraging."

Contributor: Alan Gomez and Richard Wolf, United States TODAY'S HUI; The Associated Press

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