Chief Justice Roberts announces to Supreme Court that Supreme Court will work for one nation: NPR


A sketch of the hearing room shows the October 9th pleadings of the Supreme Court.

Dana Verkouteren / AP

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Dana Verkouteren / AP

A sketch of the hearing room shows the October 9th pleadings of the Supreme Court.

Dana Verkouteren / AP

Chief Justice John Roberts, in his first remarks on the controversial appointment of new Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, sought to convince a law school audience that the court "serves no part or interest, we serve one nation ".

Speaking Tuesday at the University of Minnesota Law School, Roberts said he wanted to discuss "events in Washington in recent weeks."

"I will not criticize the political branches, we do it quite often in our opinion," adding quickly that he would talk about how "the judicial branch is, how it should be, very different".

Roberts said he had great respect for the officials since "they speak for the people".

"It commands a certain degree of humility to those of us who are in the judicial branch who do not have any," he said. "We do not speak for the people, but for the Constitution."

Roberts made his remarks before "the main event" during which he was to be interviewed by law professor Robert A. Stein. In highlighting his comments of this part of the evening, he also emphasized Roberts' intention: to assure the public, as well as the American people, that the court can set aside the fierce partisan struggle over its composition with five judges conservatives and four liberal judges.

"Our role is very clear: we must interpret the US Constitution and laws and ensure that the political branches act within them," he said. "This work obviously requires independence from the political powers.The history of the Supreme Court would be very different without this kind of independence."

This independence, he said, has helped the court in the past to make large, correct decisions, such as Brown v. Board of Education or West Virginia c. Barnett. In the latter case, the court ruled that the government could not force the students to salute the flag.

"Now, from time to time, the court made many mistakes, but when it did, it was because it gave in to political pressure." He cited the example of the Koretmatsu case that had confirmed the internment of Japanese-American citizens during World War II.

Roberts said the judges were trying to "work together in a collegiate way, I do not mean mere civility, although it helps."

This collegiality is expressed in a century-old tradition, he said, with judges shaking hands before going to court to hear the arguments.

Towards the end of his remarks, Roberts almost mentioned Judge Kavanaugh, although it is not his name.

"It's a small thing, perhaps, but it's a repeated reminder that, as our newest colleague has said, we do not sit on the opposite sides of an issue." aisle, we do not caucus in separate rooms, we do not serve one party or another. " interest, we serve a nation. "

"And I want to assure you all that we will continue to do so to the best of our ability," he added, "that times are calm or controversial".

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