Childhood vaccine rises in Hong Kong after scandal in China


Hong Kong clinics said they saw an increase in demand for children's vaccines on Tuesday after a security scandal in mainland China

The crisis came from falsified production data from an inoculation of rabies by a major continental manufacturer. Diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough vaccines administered to babies and infants were also found to be substandard, with doses already sold and administered.

The scandal has raised questions about the safety of the Chinese vaccine industry. Some have asked to be treated in a semi-autonomous city of Hong Kong.

The city already has a reputation for having safer drugs than mainland China and has seen its products rush into the past after health scandals

. The private clinic in Hong Kong, located in the commercial center of Tsim Sha Tsui, said it has received hundreds of calls and messages, about six times the normal rate of investigation, since the scandal has burst nd.

Director Jacky Ho described the request as "explosive," indicating that most came from Chinese parents seeking vaccines imported from countries other than China.

"The nearest place to receive the vaccines is Hong Kong," said Ho, who added the clinic's vaccinations come from England, France and the United States. [19659008] A woman who gave her name to Ms. Yin, from Shenzhen in southern mainland China, said she was two years old "We are concerned about the quality of domestic vaccines," said Yin, who said claimed to have spent $ 5,000 HK ($ 640) for vaccines: PCV13 which protects against pneumococcal bacteria, Japanese encephalitis and ACWY vaccination to protect against meningitis.

She said that she had made an appointment for the PCV13 jab before the crisis broke out, but had added the other inoculations for the right measure after hearing of the scandal of Guangdong in the south of China, which gave her surname Chan said that he had brought his one year old son to a private clinic was in the same area for the inoculation of PCV13 after making an appointment two months ago

that we came here. The Hong Kong Sanatorium private hospital said it has seen an increase in inquiries and contacted providers to ensure "a stable supply of vaccines to meet the needs of patients in the coming days". "In a statement to AFP, the Hong Kong Health Department announced that it would closely monitor the supply of vaccines to the public and private health sectors, but that it will not be able to do so. it would be "stable" for the moment.

Scarlett Pong, president of the city "Agents help them to make an appointment and know where to get information like the doctor to use", she said declared to AFP

yz-ey-ec-lm / jta

A nurse searches for vaccines in a refrigerator in a private clinic in Hong Kong

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