Children aged 3 and 4 must be vaccinated against the flu by December 31


WATERBURY – If you have a child three or four years old before kindergarten, you do not have much time left to vaccinate them.

In Waterbury, where several hundred children risk staying at home before kindergarten, they do not abide by state law, the Ministry of Health has offered assistance to families.

On Friday, the Early Years Office was the first of two days of the next month offering free flu vaccines to pre-kindergarten children.

The city does this because the current law requires children ages 3 and 4 who wish to enroll in pre-kindergarten to have received their flu shot by December 31st at the latest.

"She's afraid of gunfire," said Joann Torres of Waterbury about her granddaughter, who had tears in her eyes.

"We try to distract him and talk to them about other things as we prepare to give them the shot," said Krista Phelan-Wright, a nurse from the Waterbury Pre-k School. .

If this is the first year of a child, he or she must receive a second influenza vaccine 28 days after the first.

However, there are exceptions to the pre-k rule, especially children with certain diseases and religions that do not allow vaccines.

On December 12, the next day of free flu vaccination at Waterbury is as follows.

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