Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Premiere Review: October Country


The witching hour is upon us, and if possible, it is even more enchanting than promised.

Sabrina Spellman's way to a spooky, sinister, and satisfying adventure along the way.

It is unpredictable in the very best ways, raising the stakes for the show as well as making it clear that you should be revealed.

During Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Sabrina Season 1 Episode 1 Sabrina and her life are introduced to us when she wants to be part of the world. Giving herself to the Dark Lord and having to leave everything in her life makes Sabrina reconsider what was set in stone for her.

Meanwhile, there is a possible witch hunter in Greendale passed between Ambrose, Aunt Hilda, and Aunt Zelda.

Kiernan Shipka as Sabrina Spellman

"Chapter One: October Country," written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, is a thorough introduction to the town of Greendale and the Sabrina Spellman has found herself.

Watching it during the Netflix and Chills panel at the New York Comic Con questioning how it was possible that the pilot episode explored such a variety of subjects right off the bat.

There is also a lot of room for the future of mythology, yet there is also room for solidifying the characters and the lasting bonds that they share.

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The Spellcasting Characters

The people of Greendale have already managed to come alive in the past few days.

Sabrina is the key to the story, and she is a multilayered protagonist that exudes strength and courage. While it is questionable why Sabrina is only now that she is going to lose her boyfriend and her friends by choosing her witch side, that can be overlooked when you follow her further.

She might have been ignoring the inevitable, hoping it would not be much to prepare for everyone when the time finally came.

You're only supposed to start when you said goodbye to them, right?


But even then, there is a clear need within her to put her friends first instead of dwelling on herself in this situation.

Her priorities are relatable; the need to protect your loved ones is all too familiar. This makes it easier to trust Sabrina, and that is if we ignore that she is so lovable. Her obsession with horror movies, the way she has a solution to problems, her stubborn approach to all things.

These are just a few features that have been established in one introductory episode to the show.

Then there is Salem; it is an understatement to say that it is a popular addition to the cast.

He was iconic in the original TV series, so the pressure had to be in the new way.

Ambrose and Sabrina Planning - Adventures of Sabrina Season 1 Episode 1

As Kiernan Shipka mentioned at New York Comic Con, Sassy Salem is the same as the entire internet knows about. Living up to it would have been a death sentence, and it would not have worked in the context of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.

Salem a simple black cat wins the audience when he purrs and acts all cute. It establishes a sweet exterior that makes it even more hilarious when it protects Sabrina.

There is nothing more than a cat cuddling up to Sabrina one second and then happily devouring a possessed scarecrow the next.

That was a creative take on a legendary character, and there will be a constant pressure on a separate entity from another project.

Salem and Sabrina - Adventures of Sabrina Season 1 Episode 1

The two characters scratch the surface of the main hand cast and the potential that everyone has in the great scheme of things.

The intrigue has been created, and it is necessary to build on the future.

Every character stands on their own because of their traits that the pilot made sure to slip into. It is easier to form a picture of who can be, which is where the show can come in and play around with expectations. the reality of what they may have in mind.

I have reservations about saving myself for the Dark Lord. Why does he get to decide what I do not do with my body?


Overall, the pilot worked on a few levels, but the characterization aspect was at the top of the list. It was obvious that the work was differentiating the characters from one another at the very beginning.

The role of the speaker in the study of the role of the subject in relation to the subject.

Then there is Susie who is battling for a place to survive and Roz who pushes for change in Sabrina's place.

Aunt Zelda is more no-nonsense; she is intense but entertaining at the same time. Aunt Hilda is ready to stay, and still wants to keep her safe.

All of these are successfully demonstrated through the exhibition flows seamlessly into the dialogue.

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The Spellbinding Relationships

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina steps up significantly.

Not every relationship is laid, but the groundwork is there, and it is growing successfully.

There are some questions about how to get along with others, which adds to the addicting nature of the show.

Sabrina and Harvey continue to date when things get complicated. Sabrina has with Ambrose.

Sabrina: I'm leaving my girlhood behind.
Harvey: In the woods?

Sabrina and Harvey have plenty of work against each other, and they can not help it. There's nothing wrong with the fact that they're so dating and being super cute about it, but the odds are not working in their favor.

Established couples are always at risk because it's easier to throw obstacles at their relationship. We did not spend too much time with them yet, so it's easier to believe.

You can not make a lot of things when you are in your relationship, when you get to know them.

Still, so far they have been adorable and angsty at the same time which looks promising. They have a lot working against them, but there is still the nostalgia factor to consider.

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is not going to follow its predecessor, but it is putting weight in the iconic Harvey and Sabrina pairing.

Harvey and Sabrina - Adventures of Sabrina Season 1 Episode 1

They have a storm headed their way, at the same time they have transcended multiple interpretations of this story. More the chemistry is there immediately because of the way they even each other out.

Sabrina is much more of a scene stealer, and Harvey comes off quite happy just hanging out in her world. They do not overpower their moments together, and it feels like they're going to fall apart when they're in reality.

There are Sabrina's friends, Roz and Susie, who have staked their claim on our hearts as well.

The focus has not been on Roz yet, and that's something that needs to change soon. Susie has more of a form storyline already; she is all about dealing with the football team bullies.

Sabrina in the Cemetery - Adventures of Sabrina Season 1 Episode 1

It is still a sharp reminder that bullying can be that brutal, and this was just a glimpse of what they are going through on a daily basis.

It should be noted that Susie has been labeled as nonbinary, just like the actor that plays them. For now, the characters in the show are still using her / his pronouns, but it is probably safe to assume that they will transition to them / them.

It still feels more appropriate to use it.

Regardless, Sabrina's relationship to Susie and the Protector

There is not much time in the world, but everyone knows it. That has value because it continues in the season, even if it can be put in danger.

Sabrina is looking for someone because she knows she is going to leave them. The chances of their disappearing from their lives as slim, if only because they would not have been introduced like that.

The pilot is meant to be solidified, which we are likely to be much more likely to be challenged.

The Weird Sisters - Adventures of Sabrina Season 1 Episode 1

Sabrina's relationship with her friends because chances are her secrets will close in on her. But it will not be forever; she will be able to figure out how to make it happen.

The last significant relationship comes in the form of the Spellman family bond. Sabrina has different connections to both of her aunts, a more opposing one with Aunt Zelda and a softer one with Aunt Hilda.

That plays into who they are.

There is also Ambrose, a foster cousin who wants to be a witch but is not looking to stifle her. He has his feelings on his mind every time he advises her, and above all that support that he has been refreshing.

Sabrina: There's also the Harvey of it all. We very recently took things to the next level.
Aunt Zelda: He has not defiled you, has he?

It is encouraging to know that Ambrose is there for Sabrina because she is so desperate.

That may also be necessary when you consider that your parent's accident was far from that.

Aunt Zelda and Hilda know something, they know everything

There's no confirmation on what Ambrose knows, it's a safe bet that he's not going to be behind the scenes.

Still, it will be chaotic when Sabrina plays together and has been hijacked.

It is possible that her parents are involved in their death, and that will push Sabrina to want to sign the Dark Lord's book.

For now, it's clear that Aunt Hilda and Zelda can not keep hiding things from their niece forever.

15 Things We're Hoping to See on The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

The Spellbreaking Plot

It can not be coincidental that the cinematography blends the Halloween aesthetic with this almost dream-like state. It always feels like you're watching that scene.

A parallel to Sabrina taking Harvey's memory away, that dizzy unsure feeling that he has afterward crowded the screen in every scene. It allows the audience to have this fuzzy outline of Greendale, a technique that works in favor of the atmosphere that the show is creating and making it unique from the very start.

It could also be something that Sabrina is experiencing things, with her confusion about her future pushing the boundaries of the spaces in which she appears.

Ambrose: And what time will we be spellcasting?
Sabrina: Midnight-ish.
Ambrose: The witching hour? Spooky.

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina has all things going on in the world.

The show knows where it wants to go, the twists that it adds along the way because it does not belong.

The progress is smooth without being predictable, just when you think of it.

It is an efficient way to make things clear and easy. Sabrina telling Harvey about herself is a final move in any other show, here though that can be wiped away without a second thought.

There are also loopholes that allow you not to lose everything while still ending up in a worse position.

The Chilling Monster - Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Season 1 Episode 1

Moving forward, getting to see the magic school. It plays a big role in Sabrina's reluctance, and it would make the plot more hectic. There is more potential for this.

Above all else, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina has been compared to Riverdale from its design, and this pilot offers an important distinction.

The attention to detail in the process, the storylines could get muddled, but overall the show knows what is important.

Sabrina at the center of everything, her relationship with her family, and all the spooky stuff that prevents her from just living a normal teenage life.

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Stray thoughts

  • It is an understatement to say that is important and amazing on this show. As a huge fan of Halloween and the way it mixes with that autumn vibe on TV, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina delivers exactly that.

    Everything from Sabrina and Harvey going pumping picking and corn maze exploring to Sabrina casually hanging out at the cemetery with Ambrose. The show pulls extensively from its cinematography, and it is working well for them.

  • Madam Satan is such a well-written character, and it has only been one episode. It is not always clear what is endgame is, from helping Sabrina discover her darker side to endangering her life. But this is all part of the fun, especially with Father Blackwood entering the equation.

  • Using people's fears against them is a form of torture is never great, but that's the main deserved it. It was a successful example of how Sabrina is too.

    She is not just drawn to the light or the dark, she wants to experience both. It is exciting to know that Sabrina will not be strictly controlled. she is willing to venture into the twisted punishments and methods which keeps us on our toes.

  • RIP mysterious beats. You will be truly missed.

  • Did anyone find that offhand that Sabrina made about the Weird Sisters, specifically Prudence, a little off? Throwing the word racist in there did not contribute as expected. It stood out, and I'm sure it's good or bad.

  • The Spellman house looks freaking amazing. Does everyone else have their fingers crossed that soon? No? Just me?

  • It is kind of starting to remember the TV version of Sabrina's story. Aunt Zelda is significantly more unpredictable, Salem is more threatening, and the use of magic is somehow more standard.

    This is not about Sabrina exploring her skills (yet), she seems to have a grasp on that already. Her focus is more on the temptation than darkness presents to her, something that the original TV show tried to avoid because of the vast difference in tone.

  • I would like to announce my love for Prudence. I would sell my entire soul for her, and she would let me do it.

What did you think of the first series? Do you think Sabrina should sign her name in the Dark Lord's book, or is she right to be hesitant?

Which character do you love the most right now? Which character do you love the least? What do you hope we will see more of the show? What do you want to see in the first season?

How much of your soul would you sell for Salem? Is the Halloween aesthetic everything you thought it would be?

Let us know what you think below!

Yana Grebenyuk is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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