China calls on the United States to reduce the demand for opioids


China on Monday urged the United States to reduce their demand for opioids, saying the Trump administration should fight the use of fentanyl, a synthetic drug, among other drugs.

"It is common knowledge that most new psychoactive substances have been developed in laboratories in the United States and Europe, and their profound transformation and consumption take place mainly," said Vice President of the Chinese National Commission. narcotics. Monday, according to CNN.

"The United States should adopt a comprehensive and balanced strategy to reduce and eliminate the huge demand in the country for fentanyl and other similar drugs as soon as possible," Liu Yuejin continued. "When fewer and fewer Americans use fentanyl, there would be no market for it."

A congressional report, citing law enforcement, said in 2017 that China was the first source of fentanyl in the United States.

However, Liu said the United States should always be held accountable.

"The United States should step up its crackdown on drug dealers, traffickers and criminal networks," he said. "He should investigate and arrest more offenders."

President TrumpDonald John TrumpJimmy Fallon replies to Trump: I'm going to donate to pro-immigrant nonprofit on his behalf South Carolina Candidate GOP should recover completely after a car accident Official: US to present North Korea with a schedule, "specific request" PLUS The opioid crisis was described as a national public health emergency last year and revealed its plan to fight the use of opioids in March.

The White House announced earlier this month that it was launching an advertising campaign aimed at further drawing attention to opioid abuse among young people and warning them about it. hazards.

Trump also discussed the issue with Chinese President Xi Jinping during his visit to China last year.

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