China must apologize for "arrogance", asks Nauru president | News from the world


The president of Nauru asked China to apologize for the "crazy" behavior of a high representative at the Pacific Islands Forum, and denounced the "arrogant" presence of Beijing in the region.

"They are not our friends, they just need us for their own ends," said President Baron Waqa. "Sorry, but I have to be strong about it because no one has to dictate things to us."

"We see a lot of big countries coming in and sometimes buying their way into the Pacific, some are extremely aggressive, even to the point of invading us," said Waqa. "From this forum, all leaders [now] to know how arrogant some of these people are. "

Waqa said that such behavior deserved apology from Beijing. "We will not just ask for an apology, we will even take it to the United Nations," he said. "Not only that, I will mention it at the UN and at every international meeting."

This year's annual Pacific summit, which ends in Nauru this week, has been one of the most controversial in history history.

The animosity – fueled by Taiwan's continued recognition of China – by Nauru erupted dramatically on Tuesday when Chinese delegation leader Du Qiwen attempted to speak but Waqa refused to let him go until the end operations. A video broadcast shows Waqa telling Du: "Show respect."

The diplomatic conflict pits Nauru – with a population of 11,000 and a land mass of only 21 square kilometers – with an Asian superpower that is the most populous country on the planet, with 1.4 billion citizens.

Nauru remained close to Taiwan largely thanks to Taipei's financial largesse, including direct monthly payments to members of parliament (described as "project financing requiring minimum accounting") and grants and financial assistance.

Most of the buildings and infrastructure used to host the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) were built or upgraded with Taiwanese money.

Tensions between Nauru and China were exposed for the first time before the forum began when Nauru immigration officials refused to stamp the Chinese delegation's diplomatic passports.

Tuesday's treatment of the Chinese delegate was considered a deliberate and public humiliation, the source said inside the in camera meeting, and a reflection on the Pacific's suspicions about Chinese intentions in the region.

Waqa said at a press conference last Wednesday that Du was a "person" and a "madman".

"Would he behave like that in front of his own president?" I doubt it.

"He has disrespected the Pacific, the leaders of the islands of the forum and the other ministers who came to join us on your territory." You're kidding? Look at him, he's nobody.

"He's not even a minister and he demands to be recognized and speak in front of the Tuvalu Prime Minister." Is he crazy?

The exchange of Waqa with Du highlighted the sensitivities about Beijing's growing influence in the Pacific. China is expected to overtake Australia as the region 's largest donor, after pledging US $ 4 billion in aid to the region last year.

Some fear that China's loans, if they are not supported by the small Pacific economies, be reimbursed by Beijing under adverse conditions, giving China increased military access and strategic influence in the region.

China has shown no sign of backing away, a spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday that Nauru had violated the rules of the forum "and organized a bad joke".

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