China plans to launch a false moon in space with ambitious new mission


China plans to launch a satellite in the space that will illuminate up to 80 km of land. The artificial moon, as it is called, is able to replace public lighting and has been in development for some time.

The light produced by the satellite will be eight times brighter than that of the real moon. But unlike the Moon, the output is controllable and can be adjusted to illuminate between 10 and 80 kilometers.

The satellite will be focused on Chengdu City, one of the three most populous cities in western China. About 14.5 million people live in the area.

The project was developed by the Research Institute of Microelectronic Systems of Science and Technology of Aerospace in Chengdu, which plans to launch the satellite in 2020.

China also launches missions on the moon
China also launches missions on the moon

Concerns have, however, been expressed about the impact of such a night light on wildlife in the area. Although the twilight-like glow seems to be quite similar to the real moon not to have a negative impact, Kang Weimin told CIFNews.

We do not know if Ed Harris will be on the artificial moon to watch Earth's citizens as we participate in a global reality TV show.

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China is also investing in the real moon. He plans to launch a mission that, for the first time, will explore the "dark side" of the Moon – the little that the Earth will ever see.

The technical challenges are delicate, as communication with boats on the other side of the moon is not easy. However, China has already launched an orbiter, called Queqiao, which will make communication possible.

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