China weighs on the opioid overdose crisis of the United States: cut the demand to stop supplying


China said that for the United States to handle illegal shipments of fentanyl, it should first cut the demand to the Americans. The statement was released after a one-year investigation revealed that fentanyl is being shipped from China.
( Christian Trick | pixabay )

Chinese authorities pledge to cooperate with the US government to stop the supply of synthetic fentanyl from China.

However, Liu Yuejin, deputy head of China's National Narcotics Commission, said that for the United States to win its fight against the opioid crisis, US authorities should do more to reduce US demand for illegal drugs.

The statement from the Chinese side was given in response to a survey that showed that fentanyl can be easily purchased online from illegal Chinese laboratories. Shipments of illicit drugs arrived by mail.

Drug control in China

Liu said his country recognizes that illicit domestically produced drugs are sold illegally in the United States. However, China, up to now, has no case of synthetic fentanyl abuse or illegal trafficking of said drugs.

Liu said China has already taken steps to stop the production and export of synthetic drugs. In fact, the country has placed fentanyl and other similar drugs on its list of controlled substances.

Nevertheless, Liu said that his country was ready to cooperate more with the United States in this matter.

"But I believe that to solve this problem, the United States must strive to reduce and squeeze demand and opioid consumption markets," Liu said.

China as a source of synthetic fentanyl

Due to a political loophole regarding the US Postal Service, Americans were able to take orders from China on the Internet and illegal labs can then make shipments to the United States.

The policy requires shipping companies, such as UPS and FedEx, to acquire advanced electronic data or AEDs on all their cargoes. AED includes the names and addresses of the senders, as well as the recipients. More importantly, it includes information about the contents of the plot.

While the policy appears to be an effective measure to hinder illegal drug shipments, the US Postal Service has been exempted because of potential conflicts with national postal systems in other countries.

The policy gap was resolved only on June 14, when the House approved a proposal to revise the international postal system, which ultimately saved US Postal Services from its reputation as a drug courier.

Crisis of opioid overdose

In March 2018, the National Institute on Drugs' statistical data stated that more than 115 people in the United States die after an opioid overdose.

The opioid crisis has become a public health problem because, in addition to deaths, there has been an increasing number of neonatal abstinence syndromes or conditions in which babies are exposed to drugs in the womb. before birth. The increase in injecting drug use has also contributed to the spread of HIV, hepatitis C and other infectious diseases.

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