China's laser assault rifle prototype causes "instant carbonization"


This is an AK-47 worthy of "Star Wars".

China has developed a prototype laser assault rifle that can cremate a target about half a mile away, according to the South China Morning Post. ZKZM-500 has similar dimensions to the AK-47 – but unlike the famous Kalashnikov of the Soviet era, the Chinese version produces an invisible energy beam that can cause the "instant carbonization" from the skin and human tissues

the new weapon can "burn clothes in a split second … If the cloth is flammable, the whole person will be burned."

"The pain will be beyond the stamina", according to the researcher who tested a prototype at the Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics at the Chinese Academy Science in Shaanxi Province.

The 15-mm rifle weighs 6.6 pounds – about the same as an AK-47 – and has a range of 800 meters. It can be mounted on cars, boats and airplanes.

The ZKZM-500, which costs about $ 15,000, is ready for mass production and should be donated to the Chinese police anti-terrorist units

is powered by a rechargeable lithium battery and produces no sound, therefore "no one will know where the attack comes from. It will look like an accident", says another researcher

He can shoot more than 1,000 "shots", each lasting no more than a few seconds.

Wang Zhimin, a researcher at the Center for Research in Laser Physics and Technology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, said that technological improvements have allowed scientists to develop smaller and more powerful devices of the same way that mobile phone manufacturers have done it.

"This is no longer science fiction, they are already part of life," he said.

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