China's offer should not spark a major breakthrough in the trade war


China's written response to US demands for trade reforms is not expected to trigger a breakthrough in talks between Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping later this month, a senior Iranian official told Reuters on Thursday. Trump administration.

Beijing handed over its document to the Trump administration earlier this week, in response to a multi-month request from US officials to revive trade talks, Reuters reported on Wednesday.

This is a good sign that Beijing has put something in writing after months of refusal, said the official, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity.

But this offer must be viewed with skepticism, said the official, in part because China had already made promises of economic and trade reforms it had not kept.

China had previously proposed to do more to ease the restrictions on the percentage of Chinese companies that US companies are allowed to hold, for example, but then failed to fulfill that promise by providing licenses. to American companies.

The US authorities were still studying the list, which would have been received Monday evening.

The Chinese paper contains 142 points divided into three categories: problems on which the Chinese are willing to negotiate, problems they are already working on and problems they deem unacceptable, said the official.

With much work to do to sort out the G20 list and summit just two weeks away, the manager downplayed expectations of a major breakthrough on trade-related issues in Trump's discussions with Xi at the meeting. World leaders in Argentina in November.

An ideal scenario could be that the two leaders agreed to continue to speak and declare that the issue is moving in a better direction, said the official.

It was too early to say whether China's bid would be sufficient to prevent an increase in US tariffs by early 2019, he said.

Trump has imposed a $ 250 billion tariff on Chinese imports to force Beijing to make concessions on the list of demands that would alter the terms of trade between the two countries. China reacted by applying import duties on US products.

The tariff rate applied to 200 billion dollars of Chinese goods should increase from 10% to 10% on 1 January.

Trump also threatened to impose tariffs on all remaining Chinese imports, worth about $ 267 billion, if Beijing did not meet US demand.

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