China's Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) drops in September


China's Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) fell in September, which is lower than the number posted in previous months. The data was published by the National Bureau of Statistics

The September figure was 50.8 as against 51.3 in August, 51.2 in July and 51.5 in June. A number of 50 means that the PMI increases. Under 50 means that the measure is contractual.

One can question whether the slowdown is due to future tariffs that could affect as much as $ 250 billion worth of goods traded between the United States and China.

More important is the measure from October to the end of the year. As the world's largest manufacturer, especially for products sold in the United States, the PMI will fall below 50, and if part of the Chinese economy will be in trouble

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