Chinese scientists create an artificial sun


Chinese research teams have succeeded in creating an artificial "sun", better known as the Advanced Experimental Superconducting Tokamak (EST), capable of overcoming temperatures of 100 million degrees Celsius.

The Institute of Physical Sciences of the Hefei Academy of Sciences of China announced this week that the electrons of their "sun" had reached this calorific value this year, during an experiment of four month.

EAST is a device for obtaining nuclear fusion energy and has been designed to mimic the way the sun generates its enormous caloric and luminous energy. Unlike its Chinese counterpart, the true star of the center of our solar system has a much lower temperature in its heart, about 15 million degrees Celsius.

The purpose of this "artificial sun" is to study nuclear fusion in order to use it one day as an alternative energy source. Unlike the nuclear fission energy, which leaves toxic waste, the energy from nuclear fusion could be clean.

The "artificial sun" is not the only invention of the Chinese in this area. Last October, it was announced that Chengdu City, located in Sichuan Province, had developed an ambitious plan to launch in 2020 in space an "artificial moon" that would illuminate its streets at night and replace its streetlights. (From (pictorial at the address

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