Chinese study on HIV testing concludes effective promotion


On August 28, PLOS Medicine released the findings of a study test the effectiveness of crowdsourcing campaigns in promoting HIV testing among sexually active men with other men in eight Chinese citiesart.

IIn June, the Chinese social media platform Weibo was urged to stop categorizing LGBTQ content as "unwanted" and to compare it to violence and pornography after protests from users. The incident reflects the atmosphere surrounding LGBTQ issues in China and represents a rare case of reversal of censorship. explained the reason for the quick review of Weibo l & # 39; writing, "The government does not care about the issue and the public does it."

Yet the study describes it despite an increase in HIV infection among Chinese men, the rate at which they are tested is disproportionately low due to the cultural stigma surrounding homosexuality. During the indignation that followed Weibo's "cleaning" effort, the hashtag #Iamgaynotapervert toured Chinese social media.

In 2017, the German Nestpick housing website ranked the best and the worst cities for people identified as LGBTQ. Shanghai and Beijing were at the bottom of the list. Although Chinese culture is not impregnated with Tory Christianity, conversion therapy still prevails in China. The treatment" often depend ons on techniques like electroshock treatment and hypnosis. According to a global survey conducted in 2013, 32% of people under 30 in China think that homosexuality is acceptable, compared to only 15% of over 50s.

May 17, the international day AAfter homophobia, Chinese students defended the LGBTQ community by walking down the street and wearing rainbow pins. However, their activism was not without resistance, as many were arrested and two women were even beaten by security guards. University advisers at Wuhan University told students that the movement was "owned by an illegal organization that may be in collusion with Western powers."

In light of this opposition, pro-LGBTQ groups in China must pay attention to how they present themselves. Rather than openly supporting the rights of LGBTQ people, these organizations focus on public health issues, including HIV / AIDS.S.

The PLOS study found participants both by Inrecruitment based on ternet, and in person, in places known as meeting places for homosexual men. Participants then came to a CDC office to complete a questionnaire and perform a blood sample. The survey asked for demographic information and then assessed the participant's HIV awareness. The study's findings contrast with the Chinese government's efforts to expand HIV testing and find that the government has failed to encourage Chinese gay and bisexual men to undergo tests to explain the frequency of late diagnosis. in the population. The use by scientists of IntPublic and community involvement resulted in a higher rate of diagnosed cases than in men not involved in the study.

After being informed by school officials that the LGBTQ movement was a Western manipulation and therefore unpatriotic, a Chinese gay student named Kun (he retained his full name) said The diplomat, "It sounds ridiculous. I am starting to think that maybe I should move to other countries, some more friendly places for us. I love my country, but I do not know how to react to that.

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