Chiropractic treatment can disrupt your vision, shows a study


If you are a frequent visitor to a chiropractor for adjusting your neck, this is something you should know. A study conducted by the Kellogg Eye Center at the University of Michigan has shown that high-speed neck manipulation can cause stress in the patient. eye and lead to uneven vision. The study was published in the American Journal of Ophthalmology.

According to the experts, the thrusts and energy rotations performed during high-speed neck manipulation may be associated with lesions of the retinal blood vessels. This can also lead to abnormal bleeding inside the eye, which can lead to vision loss. Doctors say it's because of the sensitivity of the retina cells that even a small injury can lead to vision problems.

In addition to side effects related to vision, chiropractic treatment can also lead to cardiovascular risk. High-speed neck manipulation has been closely linked to some type of stroke or dissection of the vertebral artery about which the American Heart Association issued a warning in 2014.

Doctors explain this disease by explaining that rapid movements of neck manipulation can cause a small tear in the walls of the arteries of the neck. This injury can cause a stroke if a blood clot forms on the site and is released later to block a blood vessel in the brain.

Posted: 1 October 2018 21h15

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