Chris Evans hits Kanye West for his MAGA Tweet and people love him


Chris Evans has a few words of choice for Kanye West after the rapper posted a totally strange tweet Sunday morning.

"That's a good thing and America is getting whole again," said the rapper, 41, subtitled a photo of his hat "Make America Great Again" during a private jet flight . "We will not outsource more to other countries. We build factories here in America and create jobs. We are going to provide jobs for all those who are released from prison, while we are abolishing the 13th amendment. Message sent with love.

Evans then retweeted West's message with this response: "There is nothing more frightening than arguing with someone who does not know the story, who does not read books and who describes their myopia as a virtue. The shameless level of conjecture I've encountered recently is not just frustrating, it's retrograde, unprecedented and absolutely terrifying. "

He also shared a quote from a writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston University, Isaac Asimov.

Although West quickly tweeted again saying he did not think should not delete the 13th amendment, but change it, fans quickly sided with the actor, retweeting his response with their own mentions. Even the famous director Ava DuVernay responded.

This exchange comes just a day after West delivered an uncomfortable speech to Trump during his visit to Saturday Night Live it was not broadcast. He says there is a "democratic plan" for "bringing fathers out of their homes and promoting well-being".

"So many times that I spoke to a white person about it, and he said to me," How could you love Trump? He is racist, "he said. "Well, if racism had troubled me, I would have left America a long time ago."

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