Chris Evans insists that his Tweet & # 39; Avengers 4 & # 39; was not a spoiler


The actor says that no matter the end of the film, he would have shared the same message that made fear the death of his character.

Did Chris Evans ruin Steve Rogers' fate on Twitter? The actor would like everyone to know that he really will not answer that question one way or another, but he certainly would not give up, even if he did.

"I should clarify this, I know I've tweeted something that made a lot of people think that it was sort of a spoiler, and I should clarify that no matter how Avengers 4 I would even say to Evans at the last ACE Comic Con in Chicago, in response to a question on the fourth edition of next year, which has not yet a title. Avengers movie.

Evans' tweet, posted on October 4, reads, "Officially wrapped on Avengers 4. It was a moving day to say the least. Playing this role in the past 8 years has been an honor. To all who are in front of the camera, behind the camera and in the audience, thank you for the memories! Eternally grateful. "Many took the message as meaning that he officially announced the end of his tenure as Star Avenger – and assumed that it meant that his character was dead in the movie. Evans had previously indicated that he was considering retiring from Captain America, which he has been playing since 2011. First Avengers, Following Avengers 4.

"This last day of filming was really very moving," he told ACE Comic Con. "It was the culmination of almost 10 years of filming and 22 films – of this incredible tapestry – and you feel a lot more emotions than I thought, even myself, I thought, and I thought it was appropriate to share this gratitude. I know it has had a training effect, but I do not confirm or deny anything.

Avengers 4 opens May 3, 2019, finally revealing what happens to Captain America once and for all.

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