Will Chris Evans soon hang up his Captain America shield?

Chris Evans seems to hang his shield and say goodbye to his role as Captain America.

Evans, who plays Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, since the movie "Captain America: The First Avenger" in 2011, tweeted an emotional message Thursday about his signature film "Avengers".

"Officially packed on Avengers 4", tweeted Evans. "It was a touching day to say the least."

"Play this role in the last 8 years was an honor, "he continued. Thank you to all those who are in front of the camera, behind the camera and in the audience, thank you for these memories! Eternally grateful. "

Previously: Chris Evans talks about the end of Captain America: "Nothing lasts forever"

More: & # 39; Avengers & # 39; disassemble? The stars of & # 39; Infinity War & # 39; are preparing emotionally for their farewell to Marvel

Evans, 37, played the character of "The Avengers," "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," "Avengers: Age of Ultron," "Captain America: Civil War," "Spider- Man: Homecoming "and" Avengers: Infinity War. "

USA TODAY solicited Evans representatives for their comments to confirm it was his last appearance as Captain America.

More: "Avengers: Infinity War": "It's time to be a Chris" for Hemsworth and Pratt

Related: Marvel Makeover: Ranking of Avengers 'New Hair in' Infinity War & # 39;

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