Chris Evans says filming his last scene of 4 Avengers 4 was not so memorable


The fans probably want the pump and the circumstances. They would probably prefer that the last day of Chris Evans on the set of Avengers 4 included the Star Avenger hitting Thanos (Josh Brolin), or meeting with his beloved Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell). But Evans said his last day on the set was not what he was, explaining:

While attending ACE Comic Con in Chicago this weekend, Chris Evan is open in front of the attendees (via ComicBook) about the last day of filming his footage or what will eventually become that of Joe and Anthony Russo. Avengers 4. (No matter what day Marvel wants to give us a title on that one, that would be cool.)

Of course, the last day of Chris Evans would not include the action of his final scene. These films are shot in disorder, and the bulk Avengers 4 (we believe) was filmed at the same time as Avengers: Infinity War. This allowed the actors to record most of their scenes at a time, but as Evans notes, it is necessary to take shots and times.

What shocks me still is that we have not seen any image of the sequence Avengers 4. Not a teaser. Certainly not a complete trailer. It's a summer blockbuster in about seven months, and yet, all production remains mysterious.

Even when a key actor like Chris Evans reveals information about what he's filmed on his last day, all those who are part of the Marvel Slot Machine know that nothing can be revealed because every word is analyzed and analyzed by sites. (like ours)

Will it be the end of Chris Evans' race as Steve Rogers aka Captain America? We thought so, but after tweeting a farewell to the character – and the MCU – Evans pretended not to know if his time with the shield was over. Avengers 4 seems to be the end of the road for a number of our major Founder Avengers. Hulk, Cape, Iron Man and Thor will continue in the sequel Avengers 4? (We know that Black Widow gets a solo movie, but even that might be a sequel.)

If that's the end, we can only thank Chris Evans for his service. We can not imagine any other actor in the iconic role of Captain America, and we can not wait to see what the Russo are reserving for him, and for the entire team. Avengers 4 will be in theaters on May 3rd … or earlier, if she follows the playbook established by Avengers: Infinity War.

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