Chris Flisher: Retrograde Mars Creates Calm and Productivity – News – The Registry


Week of June 25

The coming week is distinguished by the Mars station. Although this happens much less frequently than boring retrograde Mercury, a retrograde Mars still leaves a considerable footprint even if it happens once every two years. From a duration of about eleven weeks, this retrograde Mars will begin in Aquarius and enter the last stages of Capricorn before positioning itself directly on August 29th. What does it mean? Well, for one thing, we will all feel less aggressive and probably much less will be done. However, the biggest impact will be when Mars while downshifting back comes in the first degrees of Aquarius where he will form a square at the unpredictable Uranus now in Taurus. An aspect of Mars' Uranus can cause problems, so we must be aware of them and prepare ourselves accordingly. Due to the rebellious nature symbolized by Uranus and the often aggressive and even violent nature of Mars, we could see a significant event emerge from this influence. This could be a trigger point for any kind of conflict that seems to be ready to burst. Underlying tensions or misunderstood intentions can be misinterpreted and an event occurs. A full moon occurs just two days after this alignment and can still ignite bubbling tensions. This deserves our attention on a personal and global level.

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Be aware of the connection between what you do for work and how it supports and ensures your safety and that of your family. You may feel particularly concerned about making ends meet or perhaps trying to find that happy balance between work and home. Older parents may have wise advice to accomplish this.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The appeal of increasing your value for the world and for yourself can be hard and loud this week. You may have the impression that education is the only way to succeed and in many ways you may be right. A sudden change of events can open this opportunity.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 21): Financial topics can be very visible this week as the inevitable weight of accountability becomes clear. You may be making serious decisions about your long-term investments or ask for advice on where to go. Your opinions can be strong and go against the logic of trusted advice.

CANCER (June 22-July 22): The sun will be in your sign and your personality may shine. At the same time, you may have serious concerns about a meaningful relationship. It could be a good week to open a dialogue that addresses your concerns. Diplomacy is key and you should not act hastily.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22): Expect to see a heightened sense of responsibility as the week unfolds. Saturn will weigh on your daily work and health routine, so you might be watching changes in expectations and limitations in both areas. The extra responsibility simply means paying more attention than usual and this can prove to be beneficial.

VIRGO (August 23-September 22): Business associates can occupy many of your conversations this week, especially surrounding creative topics and kids as well. Responsibility is a powerful underlying theme, especially for the little ones. As long as you know the theme and pay close attention to details and facts, everything will be fine.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): You may find that your time is divided between demands and recognition at work, while your domestic scene may require more of you than expected. This sets up a dynamic that can make you feel conflicted about where you focus. Despite the recognition of a good job, you may need to take care of the house first.

SCORPION (October 23 to November 21): Expect to work hard on a documentation process or deliverable. Reports, presentations, text writing and more may require more from you this week than usual. Delays can replace your desire to travel and expand your mind, but the duty must come first. You might be able to accomplish both but not without a concentrated effort.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21): Financial obligations can weigh heavily on you because you face an obstacle in your plans for the future. This situation may require you to accept your expectations regarding the reality of a financial dilemma. You may find that you need to do some thinking in order to adapt to the changing landscape.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): The sun can shine on your personal relationships and it can be very rewarding. At the same time, you may find that what you earn from others, especially partners and close friends, comes at a personal cost. You can discover that the more you adapt to make things work, the better the result.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18): You could be in a prime position regarding your career. Maybe you are recognized for the good work you have done. You may not be on the finish line yet and it is perhaps there that you feel the pressure to move forward and finish. You could appreciate the process and the results.

PISCES (February 19 to March 20): Expect to spend time on business alliances this week. The attention required can be creative in nature and this could be a challenge for you. Trying to create something in committee can be tedious and tedious, but the effort is worth it especially if you get a better product in the end.

Chris Flisher is a Boxborough astrologer, artist and host of The Turning of the Wheel on iTunes and other podcasts outlets For more information, email [email protected] or visit chrisflisher. com.

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