Chris Froome authorized by the UCI in an anti-doping investigation | sport


The World Governing Body of Cycling, the UCI, announced the closing of its lawsuit against Chris Froome

The World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) agreed that the sample Team Sky Froome is taken from the Vuelta a España 2017 – The announcement was made a day after the French media announced that the organizers of the Tour de France had blocked his participation in this year's race. Froome is now free to pursue a fifth Tour title, with the race scheduled to start on Saturday.

Although the Froome sample contains a salbutamol concentration exceeding 1000ng / ml, the UCI stated that it had filed the case on the basis of Wada's advice regarding Allowed use.

"The UCI has examined in detail all relevant evidence (in consultation with its own experts and experts from Wada)," reads the statement. "On June 28, 2018, Wada informed the UCI that it would accept, on the basis of the facts of the case, that the results of Mr. Froome's sample do not constitute AAF.

"Given the unparalleled access to information and the author of the salbutamol diet, the UCI decided, on the basis of Wada's position, to close the proceedings against Mr. Froome

"If the UCI would obviously have preferred that the procedure be finalized earlier in the season, it must ensure that Mr. Froome had a fair process, as he would have done it with any other rider, and that the right decision was made.Won having received Wada's position on June 28, 2018, the UCI prepared and rendered its reasoned decision on as soon as possible in the circumstances. "

Froome has always protested his innocence of any wrongdoing since the result December

After the decla UCI ration, Froome said: "I am very glad that the UCI has exonerated me. Although this decision is obviously a big problem for me and for the team, it is also an important moment for cycling. I understand the history of this great sport – good and bad. I've always taken my leadership position very seriously and I always do things right. I thought so when I said that I would never dishonor a winner's jersey and that my results would stand the test of time.

"I have never doubted that this case would be dismissed for the simple reason that I knew nothing wrong with it." I have suffered from asthma since childhood I know exactly what the rules are for my asthma medications and I use only my vacuum cleaner to manage my symptoms within the allowed limits I appreciate more than anyone the frustration about the duration the resolution of the case and the resulting uncertainty, and I'm glad it's over. "

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Team Sky team director Dave Brailsford added, "We have always had complete faith in Chris and his integrity.We knew that he had followed the right medical direction in the Vuelta's asthma management and were sure that it would be exonerated in the end, what it was. That's why we decided that it was right for Chris to continue to run, in accordance with UCI rules, as the process continued, and we are happy that it has now been resolved. "

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