Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin made it clear that they still cared about each other despite their "conscious decoupling" in 2014, which led to their divorce.

Coldplay singer Chris Martin came to the rescue of thousands of fans Saturday after the crowd panicked over fears of possible gunfire after a loud bang.

The singer, 41 years old, took action Global Citizen Festival in Central Park in New York when a police security fence fell. The loud noise triggered widespread hysteria as fans fled to the nearest exit.

Martin and NYPD Deputy Chief Kathleen O'Reilly promptly reassured the frightened crowd, "You are all safe."

"What happened is an obstacle that I believe has fallen, but no one is trying to hurt anyone." Martin said on stage. "Of course, everyone is worried, we all care about people."

Martin's soothing words were immediately met with cheers as the audience began to return to the stage. He continued, "No need to run fast.It is not necessary to push people away."

The initial noise caused chaos, leaving many viewers and viewers wondering what happened?

The footage shows the fans fleeing the exits frantically while the spotlight was on the crowd and special guests were escorted out of the scene. MSNBC, which televised the event, immediately halted its commercial activities during the mass confusion.

A visibly distraught fan makes a phone call to the Global Citizen Festival when mass panic ensues after the collapse of a barrier. (Photo: EPA-EFE)

Elizabeth Chambers, the wife of Armie Hammer, recalled the chaos Instagram Story, revealing that she was hurt.

"Torn knee situation and the scariest moment of my life," she writes. "What is reported is the opposite of what happened … We all heard gunshots, it was the most senseless rout, people were trampled, shouted, cried and went to bed. fled. "

NYPD confirmed to USA TODAY that 15 people were treated at the scene.

The loud bang probably reminded fans, nearly a year ago, that 58 people were shot dead at the 91 Harvest Road Music Festival on the Las Vegas Strip during the deadliest shootout in the USA.

Police snuggle on stage while Chris Martin calm the crowd at the Global Citizen festival in Central Park. Fearing possible gunfire, it only took the collapse of a police fence in the living room Saturday to send thousands of onlookers to flight. (Photo: Evan Agostini / Invision / AP)

After Martin spoke, Deputy Chief O & # 39; Reilly reaffirmed: "Everyone is relaxing, calm down." It was a collapse of the barrier, it did not happen I hope the show will continue. "

The official Twitter page of the festival, which tweeted live information to viewers during the incident, wrote: "Everyone is safe and the #GlobalcitizenFestival is back!"

The show continued. Jackson comes on stage around 8 pm ET and The Weeknd have finished the night. Other shows featured earlier in the day include Cardi B, John Legend and Shawn Mendes.

Hugh Jackman and Deborra-lee Furness hosted the festival, which calls on world leaders to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and end extreme poverty by 2030.

About 60,000 people filled the park's large lawn for Saturday's eight-hour festival. They listened to prominent people, including New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo and Republican Senator Jeff Flake, talking about their involvement in the troubled politics of the country.

Contributor: Associated Press

Related: Janet Jackson, John Legend Titles Global Citizen Festival in New York

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