Christian Yelich makes the history of baseball with a second season cycle


Milwaukee Brewers fielder Christian Yelich became Monday night the first player in league history to qualify for the cycle against the same team twice in a season.

Yelich, who hit for the cycle against the Cincinnati Reds on August 30, performed the rare feat even less than three weeks later. He is just the fifth player to hit for several cycles in the same season.

He scored in the first inning, doubled in the third and hit a two-point run in the fifth, Anthony DeSclafini, leaving Cincinnati. Saving the toughest piece last, he hit a three-point triple-off, Jesus Reyes, in sixth.

"It was pretty cool." The ball (on the triple) was in the air and you just thought that there was no way it would happen again, "Yelich told Fox Sports Wisconsin. .

In Yelich's first cycle this season, he was 6-in-6 in a 13-12 win in 10 innings.

Long John Reilly (1883), Tip O 'Neill (1887), Babe Herman (1931) and Aaron Hill (2012) are the only other players to have two cycles in the same season.

Fred Clarke is the only other player to have run twice against the same team in his career, coincidentally against the Reds in 1901 and 1903.

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