Christine Blasey Ford wants F.B.I. investigate Kavanaugh before she testifies


WASHINGTON – The woman who accused the Supreme Court's sex-assault candidate of President Trump has questioned plans for an extraordinary Senate hearing to lay charges, accusing some Senators on Tuesday of having already decided to investigate. 39; first.

Through her lawyers, Christine Blasey Ford did not explicitly exclude her from appearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday to testify with Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh. Echoing the Democrats in the Senate, she said an investigation should be "the first step" before being "on national television to relive this traumatic and heartbreaking incident."

Republicans are unlikely to negotiate an alternative date and could move on without it or cancel it altogether if Dr. Blasey refuses to appear and passes quickly to the vote on Justice Kavanaugh's appointment. They repeatedly stressed that Monday would be an opportunity to testify, privately or publicly, and that they then planned to continue the confirmation process. They also rejected the possibility of a F.B.I. investigation.

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