Christine Blasey Ford will testify Thursday


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Christine Blasey Ford's lawyers said in a statement that she was ready to testify Thursday at a public hearing about her allegation that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh had assaulted her sexually, reports CNN.

"Despite the real threats to her safety and her life, Dr. Ford believes that it is important for senators to hear directly from her about the sexual assault against her," the statement said.

The statement also noted that Ford would testify, even though "significant procedural and logistical issues are still unresolved" and that the committee does not intend to summon Mark Judge, who was in the room when Kavanaugh allegedly attempted to remove his clothes during a party while they were both in high school.

"They also refused to invite other witnesses who are essential to a fair trial who gets to the truth about the sexual assault," Ford's statement said.

The judge denied having a memory of the night and refused to testify.

More information from the New York Times about Ford's next testimony:

According to those familiar with the interviews, there are still some stumbling blocks between the two parties. One is the one who will testify first, Dr. Ford or Judge Kavanaugh. Republicans have rejected the idea that the judge will appear first. But perhaps the biggest point of disagreement is whether Senators on the Judiciary Committee will interview Dr. Ford himself or use a lawyer or a committee assistant, probably a woman.

All the Republicans on the panel are men. In a mid-term election period when Republicans are already struggling to connect with voters, party leaders desperately want to avoid images of an exclusively male panel on a woman who claims to have suffered a sexual assault. The Judiciary Committee has four women, but all are Democrats.

Dr. Ford's lawyers strongly opposed an outside speaker, arguing that this could give the hearing a prosecutorial tone. And Senate Democrats have said that no matter the choice of Republicans to question Dr. Ford, when it will be questioned by Democrats, Senators will talk about it.

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