Christine Blasey Ford's lawyers unveil statement of corroborating witness


Christine Blasey Ford's legal team issued a statement from her friend Keith Koegler, which allegedly corroborated Ford's testimony of Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh's sexual assault, but the FBI did not question him.

In a letter to the Senate, Koegler expressed concern over his decision to rush Kavanaugh's confirmation process without hearing Ford's witnesses, including himself.

Koegler said in a signed statement that Ford, a professor at the University of Palo Alto, had spoken to him about the alleged assault of 2016, at the time when the former student of the Stanford University, Brock Turner, was convicted of raping an unconscious woman. He said that she told him about it again three months ago in an email.

The letter was obtained by the presenter of Fox News Shannon Bream and Kyle Griffin from MSNBC.

"There is a minimum of 7 additional people, known to the White House, the Judiciary Committee of the Senate and the FBI, who were aware of the aggression prior to the appointment and who were not interviewed" , wrote Koegler. "I am one of them."

Koegler is identified as a close friend of Ford and her husband, claiming that he had known them for over five years and that he had coached their son's baseball team.

In a signed statement, he shared the story of two interactions he had had with Ford, in which she had raised allegations of sexual assault suffered by Kavanaugh several years before his appointment to the Supreme Court.

Koegler said that he had heard Ford for the first time talking about the assault while the two kids watched their kids play together early in the summer of 2016. They were discussing the sentence inflicted on Turner when Ford revealed that she had been assaulted.

"Christine expressed her anger at Mr. Turner's lenient sentence, stating that she was especially bored because she had been assaulted in high school by a man who was now a federal judge in Washington, DC" Koegler writes.

Koegler said that this interaction with Ford was memorable because it was around the same time that Turner was sentenced to six months in prison for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman after a party. He added that the "common perception" at the time was that the sentence was "too light".

The second time Koegler said that Ford had evoked the assault, it was in an email of June 29, 2018, two days after the announcement of the resignation of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy .

Ford wrote Koegler an email telling him that the person who assaulted him was the "favorite of the president for SCOTUS," he said.

Koegler replied, "I remember you talking about him, but I do not remember his name. Do not you mind telling me that I can learn more about him?

"Brett Kavanaugh," replied Ford in an email, according to Koegler.

Republicans guaranteed Kavanaugh's appointment to the Supreme Court on Friday, weeks after Ford publicly announced that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her when they were both teenagers.

After a controversial hearing with the testimony of Kavanaugh and Ford, the FBI opened a limited investigation into this allegation without questioning Kavanaugh or Ford.

Ford's lawyers on Friday denounced the investigation by the Senate and the FBI, calling the investigation "no thorough investigation".

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