Christopher Johnson, Jets, questions Sam Darnold's response to being hit in the face


Sam Darnold's pick six, in the first game of the Jets season, happened so quickly that Acting owner Christopher Johnson did not even get a chance to see it live.

Johnson was still riding in an elevator to his luxury box, on the field, when Darnold began his career in the NFL with this brutal pitch. From the elevator, Johnson heard the crowd of Lions go crazy. Then he looked through the glass wall of the elevator and saw a pick-six pickup.

"And my heart sank," Johnson said Wednesday. "My heart stopped."

Darnold, of course, got together and played well after that, while the Jets destroyed the Lions, 48-17.

"I had great confidence in him even after choosing six," Johnson said. "I thought," OK, he was hit in the face. Let's see how he reacts. I think he's going to do a good job. "I did not lose heart."

Johnson and everyone inside the Jets have long admired how Darnold reacts to adversity. And that was another example. So Johnson thinks Darnold will just play in a pressure environment like the New York market.

"He's wise beyond his years," said Johnson, who has not spoken to reporters since Darnold was named the starter. "Certainly his decision at this stage showed him, he's very stable, I'm really impressed by the way he's behaved, it's a tough city, unique in his ability to handle the pressures of New York. "

After the match, Johnson said that he had a simple message for Darnold: "Good game".

Darnold's answer, as recalled Johnson: "Thank you".

Shortly after the rough draft, Johnson made a longer and bolder statement on Darnold.

"I think people will look back in 20 years and say that's when the Jets moved to new equipment and became a great team," Johnson said. "I think we have a real future with this kid, and he's not even 21 yet.

"We could have a lot of time with this young man, I hope so, because now, I think it's really our future, I absolutely think it can be our quarter of tomorrow." am not the GM. " I am not the head coach, but I can recognize a great football player. "

Sam Darnold's Week 1 Newsletter

Johnson (sort of) canceled those comments on Wednesday.

"After the project, I was perhaps a little more enthusiastic than I should be and things have moved a little away from me," he said. "But I hope time will allow me, I think fans can legitimately be excited, they should be, but it's a match."

Darryl Slater can be contacted at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @DarrylSlater. Find Jets on Facebook.

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