Chronic kidney disease – a serious local health problem – Harlan Daily


Dr. Jayaramakrishna Depa, nephrologist at Harlan Hospital, has recently held an information luncheon with the public on chronic kidney disease.

A nephrologist is a doctor specializing in kidney function, he said in introduction. Many people confuse their specialty with urology. Although they are related, urologists are surgeons who provide care and treatment in this perspective while nephrologists diagnose and treat patients with kidney disorders on a medical level, he said.

Depa began his local practice in early July. In addition to providing patient care through the Daniel Boone Clinic and the hospital, he spends a significant amount of his time every week overseeing patient care at the Fresenius Kidney Center in the Village Center. .

His topic for the "Lunch and Learn" program was the issue of chronic kidney disease (CKD), a disease that affects a large number of people in Harlan County. CKD is a term used to describe a multitude of conditions and causes that indicate that the kidneys are damaged and can no longer filter blood as they should.

"The disease is called" chronic "because kidney damage occurs slowly over a long period of time. This damage can cause the accumulation of waste in your body. Chronic kidney disease can also cause other health problems, "he said.

The main task of the kidneys is to filter waste and excess water, thus producing urine. In order for the body to continue functioning properly, the kidneys balance the salts and minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium, which circulate in the blood. The kidneys also produce hormones that help control blood pressure, make red blood cells and maintain strong bones.

"Kidney failure is often 'progressive', which means it gets worse over time," he added. "Kidney damage causes scarring and is permanent and can lead to kidney failure. If the kidneys fail, the patients need a dialysis or a kidney transplant.

Once the damage occurs, the kidneys usually do not repair themselves, says Depa. Once kidney function decreases, patients must adapt to maintain their health. In this way, the kidneys are similar to the heart in that once the patient suffers a heart attack and damages the heart muscle or heart structures, the repair is unlikely and the patients have to

"So, the sooner patients know that they have kidney disease," he said, "the sooner they can make changes to effectively protect the kidneys by preventing damage from continuing to progress."

Depa noted four key points. Patients are at risk of developing kidney disease if they:

Diabetes, which is the main cause of chronic kidney disease. High blood sugar, also known as blood sugar, caused by diabetes can damage the blood vessels of your kidneys. Nearly one in three diabetics suffers from chronic kidney disease.

Hypertension, second leading cause of CKD. Like hyperglycemia, high blood pressure can also damage the blood vessels of the kidneys. Almost 1 in 5 adults with high blood pressure have chronic kidney disease.

Heart disease is also a factor as research shows a strong link between kidney disease and heart disease. People with heart disease are at higher risk of developing kidney disease and people with kidney disease are at increased risk for heart disease, he added.

A family history of kidney failure is also an important factor. If your mother, father, sister or brother has kidney failure, you are at risk of developing chronic kidney disease. Kidney disease tends to spread in families. If you have kidney disease, encourage family members to get tested. Use the advice from the Family Health Meeting Guide and talk with your family at special meetings.

The chances of having kidney disease increase with age, Depa said. The more patients have suffered from diabetes, hypertension or heart disease, the more likely they are to have kidney disease.

African Americans, Hispanics and American Indians tend to have a higher risk of chronic kidney disease. The greatest risk is due mainly to higher rates of diabetes and hypertension in these groups. Scientists are studying other possible reasons, such as genetic markers, for this increased risk.

He warned the group that one should not expect to feel the symptoms of kidney disease, especially at the beginning of its development, although the treatment is much easier and more effective. People can have chronic kidney disease and feel good.

The kidneys have a greater ability to do their job than necessary to maintain their health, he said. People give a kidney and stay in perfect health. Patients can have kidney damage without any symptoms because, despite the damage, the kidneys are still doing enough work to make the body feel good. For many people, the only way to know if you have kidney disease is to have your kidneys checked by blood and urine tests, he added.

As kidney disease worsens, a person may have swelling called edema. Edema occurs when the kidneys can not get rid of extra fluids and salt. Edema can occur in the legs, feet or ankles and less often in the hands or face.

"Many people are afraid to learn that they have kidney disease because they think that any kidney disease leads to dialysis." However, most people with kidney disease will not need dialysis, "said Depa.

"Patients with kidney failure can continue to lead productive lives. They can work, spend time with friends and family, stay physically active and do other things that they like. But they may need to change what they eat and add healthy habits to the daily routine to protect the kidneys, "he added.

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