Chubby Cat walks in Tesco to steal treats


(Text: Melanie Morris-Jones /

Cats always get what they want. And a white cat recently asked for cookies.

So he went out of his way to get them himself.

On September 12th, Tesco Express customers spotted the fluffy white cat.

He entered the Rugby store around 9 am and headed straight for the pet food aisle.

(Text: Melanie Morris-Jones /

After sweeping through the treats, he toppled a box of Go-Cat cookies before curling up for a nap beside them.

Client Melanie Morris-Jones, 39, said she had to double when she saw the cat relaxing after eating cat food.

The mother of two said, "I had just come to Tesco for a drink and some food before work.

(Text: Melanie Morris-Jones /

"I came across the cat that was lying right next to the box of cat food he had spilled.

"He has clearly tried to get food but I do not know if she should just give up.

"I asked the cashier if she knew that there was a cat in the pet alley."

"She said yes, she knew she was there and it was regular.

(Text: Melanie Morris-Jones /

"I'm not sure who he belonged to – but he was completely relaxed. The cat seemed not to worry about it. "

Melanie added that she found the cat right there, so funny that she had to take a picture and posted it on Facebook.

More: cats

She added, "To be honest, I did not expect it to attract so much attention.

"It was a little ironic to see that the cat was in this driveway because it looked pretty round and well maintained.

"It's certainly not something you see every day."

MORE: How to move with your cat

MORE: How to spot and treat fleas on your cat

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