Chuck Wendig, the writer of Star Wars in Marvel Fires


Chuck Wendig says that he was removed from the "Shadow of Vader" series, two unresolved issues regarding the "negativity and vulgarity" that his tweets bring.

Chuck Wendig, the New York Times successful author of the Star Wars: The consequences series of novels, was shot by Marvel Entertainment, he said on Twitter Friday. This leaves the future of many previously announced Star wars some projects, to which Wendig was attached, were uncertain.

In a series of tweets, Wendig – who was working on both number five Shadow of Vader one miniserie and another, currently unannounced, Star wars series for the publisher – revealed that he had been fired by Marvel in the middle of his work on headlines because, in his words, "the negativity and vulgarity that my tweets bring in. Seriously, that's what Mark [Paniccia], said the publisher. It was too vulgarity, too much negativity on my part. "

Previously, Wendig had written Hyperion and an adaptation of Star Wars: The awakening of the force for Marvel.

Wendig has been outspoken about his liberal political views on Twitter. On October 7, he attracted the attention of conservative personalities such as Ben Shapiro and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza, with a series of tweets surrounding the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, accused of sexual assault. In a tweet, which he later deleted because he said it had become a "funnel of harassment", he wrote: "Winter is coming, insane bastards, watering troughs. morons, grotesque monsters, racists and rapists and abusive abusers, vengeful little horrors. "

The dismissal of Wendig occurs three months after the dismissal of James Gunn, director of the parent company of Marvel, Disney Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 on old offensive tweets that had been redone by conservative personalities.

Wendig is no stranger to the controversy within Star wars fandom, the author being targeted by a vocal minority after presenting one of the first characters of the canonically gay franchise of the franchise in his 2015 novel, Star Wars: The consequences. His candid response to this reaction – calling those who complained about "the crappy, oppressive, totalitarian Empire" – combined with his openness to the discussion of real-world politics on social media, made him a lightning rod among more conservative elements of the fan base of the good.

Marvel's withdrawal of Wendig comes one month after the publisher's cancellation Vision, a A six-issue miniseries, two months before its launch, with the creative team, which includes another successful novelist, Chelsea Cain, who only gets a few days notice and explains little why, beyond # 39, a change in the publication plans for the characters. to be used in the series. Notably, Cain has so many voices on his politics and is also visible as a target of the right-wing trolls on social networks, like Wendig – although this has not been invoked to justify the surprise cancellation of the series.

Marvel Entertainment declined to comment.

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