City Council aims to make New York first U.S.


NEW YORK (Reuters) – New York City is moving to become one of the most important cities in the world, and it is one of the biggest cities in the world. will most.

A car with an Uber logo on it drives down the street in New York, US, July 27, 2018. REUTERS / Lucas Jackson

The City Council in the wake of explosive growth of for-hire vehicles and a rash of suicides among financially challenged yellow taxi drivers.

"We are pausing the issuance of new licenses in an industry that has been operating without checks," Council Speaker Corey Johnson told reporters on Friday.

The council's move to vote on the measures as soon as Aug. 8 is the city's second try to restrain an industry that has grown exponentially since Mayor Bill of Blasio's failed 2015 attempt to rein it.

Resurrection of the effort in New York – Uber's largest U.S. market – outraged ride-hailing businesses, including Uber, Lyft and Via.

In an email barrage to nearly 5 million New Yorkers on Friday, Uber said riders would be hurt most by the squeeze, facing higher prices, longer wait times and lower prices. in Manhattan, only adding to, rather than reducing, congestion.

"@ NYCCouncil I'm a New Yorker, and I rely on @Uber to get around the city, especially when public transit is not available. Do not leave me stranded and #DontStrandNYC, "tweeted thousands of New Yorkers, using the link provided in the Uber email.

Since Uber and other app-based services debuted in New York City about five years ago, the industry has grown to more than 100,000 cars, according to the Taxi and Limousine Commission. At the same time, there is more than just one-time road to middle-class income.

Six struggling professional drivers – including three yellow cab drivers – have killed themselves in recent months.

The New York Taxi Workers Alliance cheered the City Council's pledge to move ahead with the bills.

The New York City Impending Limits as a result of a worldwide effort to crack down on ride-hailing companies, including a move by Honolulu's city council.

London, in a test of Uber's new senior management, in June, issued a probationary license to operate as long as Uber can show it.

Reporting by Barbara Goldberg; Editing by Dan Grebler

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