CJ McCollum had a kind of Vendetta against Donte DiVincenzo


CJ McCollum lost 40 points on the Bucks during a 118-103 home win and, for some reason, felt the need to embarrass Donte DiVincenzo on any occasion. The signs were there early that McCollum wanted to undermine the rookie's soul. A little over half of the first quarter, DiVincenzo was subjected to a spin cycle that sparked a considerable reaction from the crowd. The problem was that McCollum was missing

The most notable highlight was the end of the third quarter, when McCollum forced the rookie to look like an Olympic speed skater taking a tight turn.

But the icing on DiVincenzo's shit sandwich of one night came in the final seconds of the match, when the rookie had a very bad gift to his nemesis of the game. McCollum is sure to pull the best gift and put the game aside in front of the public.

Whatever young Buck has done to upset McCollum, he'd better apologize as soon as possible, as it will only get worse.

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