Claire McCaskill targeted by Islamophobic radio ad in the Missouri Senate race


"After all, if our children think that all religions are the same, they will probably choose none of them," says a narrator in the announcement, partial recording which CNN has made the point.

The advertisement then shows a child in conversation with his father, saying, "But, dad, my teacher says that Christians, Jews and Muslims all worship the same God." What's wrong? "

"What's wrong, darling, is that it's not true," replies his father.

The narrator concludes by urging voters to "vote no on Claire McCaskill and her Democratic program, vote yes for our children."

McCaskill, one of the Senate's most vulnerable candidates for re-election this year, will face Josh Hawley, the state's attorney general in November.

The advertisement is the work of Stars and Stripes Forever PAC, which supported Ben Carson in the 2016 presidential election, but reoriented his mission to oppose Democrats in mid-term elections. mandate.

CPC Chairman John Philip Sousa IV, confirmed the content of the announcement to CNN and defended it by saying, "Most good Americans do not want Islam to be taught in American public schools and Christianity removed from public schools. "

"Why should we allow Islamism to be taught?" he added.

The announcement is part of the $ 23,557 that the group of Sousa has devoted to anti-McCaskill advertising so far, according to the Federal Election Commission. Stars and Stripes Forever also airs radio spots on other Missouri topics, in addition to announcements in several other states, Sousa added.

Meira Bernstein, spokesperson for the McCaskill campaign, said in response to the announcement: "The efforts for Josh Hawley have been full of ugly and false attacks.It would be nice if Josh Hawley condemns this ad for what it is. "

Hawley's campaign did not respond to a request for comment. Under the law, his campaign could not have been coordinated with the Sousa group, including influencing the content of the group's advertising or its buying strategy.

"I have no idea what he feels (Hawley) about it," Sousa said. "He may like the announcement, he can hate it."

It is not known what specific policy, if any, the announcement refers to.

But the advertising is supposed to benefit Hawley's Senate candidacy, said Mr. Sousa: "It's about making sure people do not vote for McCaskill and that will help his campaign by voting for him or staying at home. him."

When asked if he felt the announcement could have a negative impact on Hawley, Sousa rejected this idea.

"No," he says. "Why would it go?"

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