Claire McCaskill, the main Democratic senator, targeted by Russian hackers in a scheme of stealing passwords: report


Russian hackers targeted staff employed by Senator Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., Using a sophisticated system of password theft at the end of last year, according to a new report [19659004]. Russian President Vladimir Putin has pledged to ingest US elections, despite warnings from the Trump administration against future interference.

At a Senate hearing on Wednesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened consequences "if Russian hackers attempt to influence the mid-term terms in November." Earlier this month The Department of Justice Cyber-Digital Working Group announced new plans to combat cyberwarfare (including electoral interference) and to inform the public of alleged interference

McCaskill, a Democrat in the United States. a state led by President Trump in 2016, is a prime target for Republicans in the mid-term elections as they seek to increase their narrow majority in the Senate 51-49.

"Russia continues to engage in cybernetic warfare against our democracy. I will continue to talk and lobby to hold them accountable, "McCaskill said in a statement." Although this attack has not succeeded, it is outrageous that they think that it is not safe to say that it has been an offense. they can get by with that. I will not be intimidated. I have already said it and I repeat it: Putin is a thug and a tyrant. "

She was hit by a politically damaging report Tuesday when her local newspaper revealed that businesses related to her husband had earned more than $ 131 million in federal grants since she took office. report dropped as President Trump prepared to raise money for his possible short-term Republican candidate, Attorney General Josh Hawley


The Daily Beast traced the hacking attempt of McCaskill staff following comments made by a Microsoft vice president at the Aspen Security Forum early Microsoft has been in court last year to obtain an injunction allowing it to seize domain names used by Russian hackers who were usurping or imitating trademarks of Microsoft. Microsoft trading to induce targets to enter their passwords


– Claire McCaskill, D-Mo.

"We discovered that a fake Microsoft domain had been established as a landing page for phishing attacks, and we saw some metadata suggesting that these phishing attacks were" We eliminated that area and work with the government was able to prevent anyone from being infected by this particular attack, "he told forum participants. 19659005] Hackers made custom URLs for some of their victims, and by looking at these URLs, The Daily Beast found that McCaskill's staff was among the targets. by Burt, or if Russia has targeted them successfully.

There is evidence that Russian hackers have also targeted Republicans. In May 2017, Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio claimed that IP addresses from Russia had attempted to hack into the accounts of his collaborators

"In July 2016, shortly after announcing my re-election at US Senate, The former members of my presidential campaign team who had access to the internal information of my presidential campaign were targeted by IP addresses whose location in Russia was unknown, which does not. has not succeeded, "said Rubio at a hearing." I think it's appropriate to disclose this to the committee, since many of this took a partisan tone. "

Trump, as for He suggested – apparently without further evidence – that Russian hackers would work to help his political opponents in the upcoming elections.The FBI, CIA and NSA have concluded, to varying degrees of confidence, that Russia It was scrambled for the 2016 elections and wanted to help Trump win

"I am very worried that Russia is fighting very hard to make an impact. on the next election, "he wrote on Twitter this week." Since no president has been harder on Russia than me, they will push very hard for Democrats, they absolutely do not want Trump! "

The tweet came amidst a bipartisan outcry over Trump's meeting with Putin in Helsinki, Finland, earlier this month. suggested that, contrary to the assessments of his own intelligence community, he did not see why Russia would "try" to meddle in the 2016 elections.

Trump later claimed that he had poorly expressed and meant that he did not see why that "would not" Russia trying to interfere in the elections – although Trump left the door open to the possibility that other nations or actors have also tried to interfere.

Andrew O'Reilly of Fox News contributed to this report

Gregg Re is a publisher of Fox News. Follow him on Twitter @gregg_re .

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