Clean Energy Is Surging, but Not Fast Enough to Solve Global Warming


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WASHINGTON – Over the next two decades, the world's energy system will undergo a huge transformation. Wind and solar power are poised to become dominant sources of electricity. China's once-relentless appetite for coal is set to wane. The amount of oil we used to fuel our cars could peak and decline.

But there is a catch: The global march towards clean energy is not happening fast enough to avoid dangerous global warming, at least not

That's the conclusion of the International Energy Agency, which on Monday published its annual World Energy Outlook, has 661-page report that forecasts global energy trends to 2040. These projections are especially difficult because of the world's energy markets, which is usually evolve gradually, are going through a major upheaval.

Here are some of the report's major themes:

Around the world, the electricity sector "is experiencing its most dramatic transformation since its creation more than a century ago," the report said. One big factor is the rapid growth of wind and solar power.

Over the past five years, the average cost of solar power has declined to 65 percent and the cost of onshore wind has fallen 15 percent. The energy agency predicts those prices will keep tumbling as technology improves and governments scale back subsidies. Solar plants are becoming well-placed to outcompete new coal plants almost everywhere.

The agency sees renewable energy supplying 40 percent of the world's electricity by 2040, up from 25 percent today. Even that could be conservative: In the past, the agency has underestimated the speed at which wind and solar power proliferate.

"Our solar expectations are about 20 percent higher than they were last year," said Fatih Birol, the agency's executive director.

The report warns, however, that many countries will need to retool their grids to manage the output of wind and solar plants, which intermittently run. That will mean overhauling rules for how electricity markets operate, relying on batteries and gas plants for grid flexibility and exploring new tools like hydrogen storage.

For decades, developing countries like China and India have become cheaper, easiest way to power their economies and lift themselves out of poverty. It's a big reason carbon dioxide emissions have skyrocketed.

Even as the world puts millions of new cars on the road, we're using less oil to fuel them. The report projects that global oil use will increase by the mid-2020s as they ratchet up their fuel-economy standards and deploy more electric vehicles.

That does not mean that oil will decline, however. Only about one-quarter of the world's oil is used to fuel passenger cars. The rest is used to fuel freight trucks, ships, and airplanes; for heating; and to make plastics and other petrochemicals.

These sectors have not seen the same improvements in efficiency. As a result, the agency expects global oil demand to keep rising through 2040, led by developing countries.

Even with the impressive recent gains for renewable energy, the world is still far from global warming. Global carbon dioxide emissions rose 1.6 percent last year and are on track to climb again this year. The report projects that emissions will keep rising slowly until 2040.

One reason: Carbon-free sources like wind, solar and nuclear power are not yet growing fast enough to keep up with global energy demand, particularly in places like India and Southeast Asia. That means fossil fuel use keeps growing to fill the gap.

For this to change, nations will have to adopt new policies, like investing in energy efficiency to slow demand growth, and developing carbon capture technology for existing fossil fuel power plants and cement factories.

Governments will play a key role: The role of the world in investing $ 2 trillion annually in energy infrastructure, and 70 percent of that is directed by state-owned companies or regulators. "That tells me that our energy will depend heavily on government decisions in the next two decades," Mr. Birol said.

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