Climate: Black Friday, scary forecasts


On Black Friday, when many Americans were shopping or spending time with their families, the Trump government released a major report on climate change.

The results are disastrous.

In the worst case, average temperatures could increase by 11 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century. We could see up to 6 feet of sea level rise. And the price associated with deaths due to extreme temperatures could reach $ 140 billion if we continue as if nothing had happened. .

The study, called the "National Climate Assessment," is the fourth in an ongoing series mandated by a 1990 law. It examines how climate change is affecting the United States and what the country might look like. here the end of the century. Hundreds of scientists and other experts from academia, government, non-profit organizations and the private sector are helping to draft and revise it, a process that takes years.

With advances in climate science, this latest version explains in detail how different parts of the US will be affected differently, which economic sectors will be hardest hit, and how health costs will increase with the spread of disease and degradation. of the quality of the air.

Here are the most important and scary points of the report.

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