Clinical trials have confirmed the benefit of cannabis in psychosis


Клинические испытания подтвердили пользу каннабиса при психозе

CBD medications can replace popular antipsychotics.

A new study published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry showed that cannabidiol – a chemical compound found in cannabis – could be an ideal drug for psychosis, reports in reference to Ukrainian news.

Currently, the main treatment for people with psychosis includes the use of drugs, discovered in 1950. These drugs are not only an outdated form of assistance, but are not effective for many patients.

Meanwhile, the CBD has already proved its antipsihoticeski. This has been confirmed by 6-week clinical trials. It has been shown that the organic chemical compound attenuates the symptoms of the disease and promotes the action of other drugs. However, the neurological mechanisms of this action are still uncertain.

The researchers studied 33 patients who had psychotic episodes. 16 of them were selected to receive 600 mg of oral CBD and the rest received a placebo. In addition, participants also studied the technique of functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Cannabidiol is shown to normalize brain activity in areas strongly associated with psychosis. In addition, no adverse effects of the treatment have been demonstrated. According to scientists, this is the ultimate proof that the coupling can relieve the symptoms of the disease should be developed on the basis of a new generation of drugs.

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