CMS Manager: The scariest Halloween costume is "Medicare for all"


Seema Verma, who heads the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services, wrote Wednesday on Twitter: "The scariest Halloween costume of the year goes to …"

The tweet then presented the image of a person wearing a t-shirt with the words "MEDICARE FOR ALL" printed on the front.

"Medicare-for-all" is a proposal that would expand Medicare, which provides coverage for seniors and some people with disabilities, to all Americans, with the goal of reducing the rate of uninsured people.

The idea has been widely adopted by progressives such as Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent Vermont caucus with the Democrats and who is one of the drivers of his current momentum. He submitted a proposal during his unsuccessful bid for the 2016 presidential election and introduced a new bill on "Medicare for All" last fall with a third of the Democratic caucus of the Senate at his side.

However, Republicans have widely criticized this policy, including President Donald Trump.

Earlier this month, Trump wrote an editorial in USA Today, in which he said that "Medicare-for-all" would "eviscerate" Medicare.

"In practice, the so-called Medicare for All of the Democratic Party would really be Medicare for None," Trump writes in the editorial. "According to the plan of the Democrats, the health insurance of today would be forced to die."

Sanders quickly reacted with his own editorial in USA Today, highlighting the benefits of a single payer health insurance system.

"This would ensure everyone gets the health care they need without going into debt at a much lower cost than the current dysfunctional system," he wrote.

Verma has already voiced its opposition to the adoption of a "Medicare-for-all" system. In a speech on Oct. 16, she described it as a "bad idea" and highlighted its potential for an exorbitant price, which is expected to reach "$ 32 trillion".

"The reason people are calling for" Medicare-for-All "is not because the ACA has been working to fix the problems in our system, but because it's not there. "was not," Verma said in his remarks prepared at a conference on Medicare, referring to the Affordable Healthcare Act, the 2010 Health Care Act known as Obamacare.

"But their solution is literally to do more with what does not work, it's like the man who has a headache, who then takes a hammer to the head to make it disappear," he said. she declared.

Tami Luhby, Greg Krieg, Eli Watkins and Katie Lobosco from CNN contributed to this report.

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