CNN chief Jeff Zucker blames Trump for attacking the media


CNN President Jeff Zucker criticized President Donald Trump's attacks on the press just hours after sending an explosive device to CNN's New York office, forcing the network to evacuate its premises. employees.

"There is a complete lack of understanding in the White House about the gravity of the continuation of their attacks on the media," Zucker told reporters. A declaration Wednesday afternoon in which he attacked the sometimes aggressive attitude of Trump and the White House to the press, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, in regard to the media, which they often accuse of promoting " false information ".

"The president, and in particular the White House press officer, should understand that their words are important, so far they have shown no understanding of this," said M Zucker.

Zucker's statement echoes his criticism of Trump's position on the media, which, he said earlier this year, "created an atmosphere in this country that sounded very unhealthy in the world ".

He said about the president in March: "He does not even understand the danger he's causing journalists to run and the danger he's putting to media organizations."

Several senior Republican leaders, including Vice President Mike Pence, House Majority Leader Paul Ryan, and Trump's eldest daughter, Ivanka, have all reacted promptly to Wednesday's news that letter bombs have been reported. sent to former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and other great Democrats.

Until he made a brief statement before an event on the opioid epidemic on Wednesday afternoon, Trump simply retransmitted Pence's condemnation of attempted attacks, l & # 39; writing, "I totally agree!"

Later in the day, the president clarified his public response, calling for political unity and the rejection of violence.

"In these times, we must unite," he said. "We must unite and send a clear and strong message that is beyond doubt: acts or threats of political violence of any kind do not have their place in the United States of America."

The president has notably waged a long war against CNN, accusing him of being one of the leaders of the "fake liberal media" and encouraging his supporters to ignore him. And all the political leaders who have received packages containing explosive devices are high-level critics that Trump has criticized relentlessly.

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