CNN founder Ted Turner reveals battle with Lewy body dementia


CNN founder Ted Turner reveals he is living with Lewy body dementia, a progressive brain disorder, in an interview with Ted Koppel CBS Sunday morning This weekend.

"It's a mild case of what people have like Alzheimer's," says Turner. "It's like that. But not so bad. Alzheimer's disease is fatal. Thank God, I do not have that. At one point in the interview, Turner paused and said, "Dementia. I do not remember my illness anymore.

Asked by Koppel about the symptoms, Turner responds: "Tired. Out of print. These are the main symptoms and forgetfulness. The interview was filmed on Turner's 113,000-acre ranch near Bozeman, Montana.

Turner also talks about his life today, his rivalry with Rupert Murdoch, his father's suicide, the environment and CNN today. Watch a clip below.

"I think they're doing too much politics," says Turner. "They – they'd better have – a more balanced program -. But that's, you know, the opinion of one person.

Turner was most recently seen in HBO documentary Jane Fonda in five acts, greeting his ex-wife during his visit to his ranch. Asked whether he had ever considered running for president, Turner told Koppel, "Well, the closest thing to my candidacy was marriage to Jane Fonda. And when I talked to her, she was married to a politician. And she said, you know, "If you run for, for the office, you run alone."

The Turner interview will be broadcast CBS Sunday morning Sunday September 30th at 9:00 am Eastern Time, on CBS.

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